Linked Questions

1 vote
1 answer

What to do about [teamcity-*] and [resharper-*]?

There is a versioned tag for each minor release of JetBrains' TeamCity: teamcity-8.0, teamcity-8.1, etc. (There is also teamcity.) There is a similar situation with JetBrains' resharper. Some ...
14 votes
1 answer

User attempting to burninate tag without Meta discussion

This user has been attempting to burninate the execute tag, but I haven't seen any discussion on this matter on Meta Stack Overflow. To do so, the user has been suggesting a number of edits removing ...
11 votes
0 answers

When a burninate request is approved, who should do the burnination?

This is related to How do tag removal (burnination) requests work? but I didn't find an answer to my question there. If a burnination request is approved, who should do the burnination? Should that ...

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