Linked Questions

-21 votes
2 answers

Finding Down Voting Reasons [duplicate]

If we know the reason for down voting, we may prevent the mistakes , Do we have any options for find the reason?
vinodh's user avatar
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-20 votes
2 answers

Is that bullying?

Well, I recently ran into a great question (at least what I consider great): By the time I finished ...
Aida Paul's user avatar
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-20 votes
1 answer

My question is not showing up because of a downvote?

I asked a question here and someone downvoted it for not providing an error, even though I had stated in the post that I had not received any specific error. I even still uploaded a stack trace that ...
Victor Olaitan's user avatar
-27 votes
1 answer

Is 'downvoting' being inspected? [duplicate]

Actually, I have searched for half an hour for a similar question. Sorry if there exists exactly the same but I haven't managed to find it. Is downvoting really being inspected? I feel like a lot ...
Burak Day's user avatar
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-43 votes
2 answers

Why can questions be set for review and then deleted without voters justification? [closed]

I seen certain questions on Stack Overflow being set for review and then closed, or even deleted without most reviewers or any at all giving justification to the asker for their vote. A newbie ...
sambul35's user avatar
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-13 votes
1 answer

Unsure why I got a downvote hours after my question was answered

I asked a question that, in my opinion, adhered to all the rules of SO. It was answered within 15 minutes and I accepted the answer. At some point last night it was downvoted, and no comment was left. ...
Erik Johnson's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

Are code comparison questions too broad? [closed]

I recently asked Being a member of the community for some time, I understand that open-ended ...
NoobEditor's user avatar
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-17 votes
2 answers

Undeserved down-votes [closed]

I recently began programming and I realize Stack Overflow is an invaluable resource. I have read the rules and try my best to solve a problem on my own before asking a question. However I realize this ...
Jeff's user avatar
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-53 votes
8 answers

Downvote system change proposal [closed]

I received the first downvote for that question several seconds after publication. The person did not even read the whole post, but just downvoted. It is very good example of the downvote system ...
vasili111's user avatar
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