Linked Questions

75 votes
6 answers

How should I react to downvotes?

Some time ago, I saw a user with high reputation getting very upset for a downvote in his answer, despite the answer having a positive score in total. Was he just worrying about his reputation, or was ...
513 votes
1 answer

Why isn't it required to provide comments/feedback for downvotes, and why are proposals suggesting this so negatively received?

Sometimes my post receives downvotes with no explanation on what I've done wrong. Even worse, sometimes I just get snarky comments! It seems like this is especially bad for new users, who are made to ...
78 votes
15 answers

Why do people take downvotes so personally?

In a land where imaginary Internet points exist - I have noticed a rash of "why was my question downvoted?" questions and it seems that in every case a small number of downvotes has caused the OP to ...
-53 votes
2 answers

Prevent voting on answers by users who have answers

Here are the requirements of this feature: If a user has already voted on an answer, after making her own answer, her vote on that answer no longer counts. If a user has already has his own answer, ...
-53 votes
8 answers

Downvote system change proposal [closed]

I received the first downvote for that question several seconds after publication. The person did not even read the whole post, but just downvoted. It is very good example of the downvote system ...
285 votes
9 answers

Enable Optional Anonymous Reasons for Downvotes on Questions [duplicate]

Yes, I'm revisiting this, again, despite the many times this issue has already been discussed (see Related for links). People keep asking for it. Note that I'm restricting this discussion to ...
-2 votes
6 answers

"Why downvoted?" comments - unfriendly according to the new Code of Conduct?

I'm sure all of us (or at least many of us) stumbled upon comments like this one The person who down-voted the answer, any explanation why ? Many users, when their answer is downvoted, just either ...
25 votes
3 answers

So what is the purpose of downvoting an answer? [duplicate]

I have read the post on downvoting questions and understand the logic there. But I'm interested in the meaning of downvoting answers. I assumed it was to help the OP and anyone following wade through ...
60 votes
5 answers

Increase the downvote penalty for downvotee on answers from 2 to 4

I'll start by saying that I don't know if my proposal is good or not, I'll expose my pro & cons arguments (this isn't a feature request, just a discussion). Simple math (that you know already): ...
-25 votes
1 answer

Is this a bad question or SO users did not read the question clearly? [duplicate]

I asked this question today. It has 3 down votes. And high reputation user(29k) asked "Please show your codes , at least the line 22" as a comment. As I understand he has not read my question ...
164 votes
38 answers

2017 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

Stack Overflow, once again, is scheduled for an election next week, July 17th. In connection with that, we will be holding a Q&A with the candidates. This will be an opportunity for members of the ...
-7 votes
1 answer

Are code comparison questions too broad? [closed]

I recently asked Being a member of the community for some time, I understand that open-ended ...
-42 votes
1 answer

@mention downvoters [duplicate]

Can you call out downvoters with @metions in comments? It really annoys me when someone comes past and downvotes the question and all the answers, then leaves without any comment as to why. Would be ...
-27 votes
1 answer

Reply to downvoter(s) [duplicate]

There is an interesting discussion about the effects of close votes - though it will be interesting to have non-closed votes I don't think is possible. But at least I would like to have an option to ...
-3 votes
1 answer

How do we avoid downvotes without a comment? [duplicate]

I am not looking for a smarty pants telling me "Well, just ask a good question" I see bad questions getting downvoted as well as good questions, without a single comment. The questioner has no clue ...
-20 votes
1 answer

My question is not showing up because of a downvote?

I asked a question here and someone downvoted it for not providing an error, even though I had stated in the post that I had not received any specific error. I even still uploaded a stack trace that ...
-20 votes
2 answers

Is that bullying?

Well, I recently ran into a great question (at least what I consider great): By the time I finished ...
58 votes
2 answers

Should we create FAQ proposals for frequent Meta questions?

There's a certain type of frequent Meta suggestion that we all know and are annoyed by because they get made over and over again: Let's force comments when downvoting Let's remove the anonymity when ...
-43 votes
2 answers

Why can questions be set for review and then deleted without voters justification? [closed]

I seen certain questions on Stack Overflow being set for review and then closed, or even deleted without most reviewers or any at all giving justification to the asker for their vote. A newbie ...
-27 votes
1 answer

Is 'downvoting' being inspected? [duplicate]

Actually, I have searched for half an hour for a similar question. Sorry if there exists exactly the same but I haven't managed to find it. Is downvoting really being inspected? I feel like a lot ...
-13 votes
1 answer

Unsure why I got a downvote hours after my question was answered

I asked a question that, in my opinion, adhered to all the rules of SO. It was answered within 15 minutes and I accepted the answer. At some point last night it was downvoted, and no comment was left. ...
-27 votes
1 answer

Shouldn't duplicate questions be closed for down-votes? [duplicate]

Why are down votes open for questions marked [duplicate]? I see lot of questions marked duplicate being down-voted without any specific comments. The number of down-votes keep increasing with no ...
-26 votes
1 answer

Why isn't there "vote to improve" option for questions? [duplicate]

We usually vote to close questions which are "too broad" or just ask the SO to improve it after putting it on hold but why no "Vote to improve button" which says "5 users say you must improve your ...
-34 votes
2 answers

Objectively good answers should not be downvoted [duplicate]

Twice now answers that I have offered and that I know have helped users have been downvoted. I know this to be true because one answer I gave has been seen 11,000 times on YouTube and has helped other ...
-11 votes
2 answers

They say "if you're banned from asking questions" then "fix your old questions", but what if my old questions are completely wrong and can't be fixed? [duplicate]

I have asked some quick questions. Some of them are specific and I don't understand why they were downvoted, while others were too "quick-asked". By "quick-asked" I mean I could find the answer myself ...
129 votes
3 answers

Suggest editing to upvoters of unclear questions

While I was trying to understand some question, it got a few upvotes. So it got me thinking - these upvoters probably understood it and thought it was good. So it would be great if they edited it in ...
-21 votes
2 answers

Finding Down Voting Reasons [duplicate]

If we know the reason for down voting, we may prevent the mistakes , Do we have any options for find the reason?
-3 votes
1 answer

Getting a downvote with no comment, on an answer where I help write the library in question, leaving my answer below 0 - acceptable solutions

I'm aware we've got quite a lot of questions here on downvotes without comments, such as this one and this one and this one. I've had a read through those already. TL;DR, I (and some others) have ...
-20 votes
1 answer

Is there any monitoring of users that just downvote for no reason? [duplicate]

Some users just downvote for no reason, Is there any monitoring of that kind of behavior? If a user downvotes some answers more than once for the same user in a very short period of time, is there ...
-2 votes
1 answer

What am I doing wrong with my questions? [duplicate]

My past few questions on SO, all pertaining to the same thing, are getting downvoted and I'm not sure why. I thought my questions were easily written and understandable, limited code but enough to ...
-14 votes
1 answer

What is wrong with this question, and how to eliminate improper down-voting? [duplicate]

Just recently a question of mine was down-voted. I posted this quite a long time ago. I feel that it was a valid question. I presented a problem and asked a specific question. I did research ...
2 votes
1 answer

Downvotes not being backed up or explained [duplicate]

I recently received a question ban, I am not trying to dispute this, the system works and I fully agree it has to be in place. However a recent question (Breaking if __name__ when a condition is not ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to know why a question is downvoted? [duplicate]

I've got this question downvoted: JPA does not delete database row and I don't know why. I mean, it's ok to downvote of course, but how can I know why to avoid make same mistake and post better ...
-19 votes
1 answer

Downvoting should be justified [duplicate]

I'm a big fan of the Stack Exchange network and I visit it almost every day - mostly to ask questions on my own or every now and then to answer questions by others. This Q&A way of communication ...
53 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to lose a privilege if you lose the required reputation for it?

I have 125 rep exactly, which is the number I need to start downvoting, according to Help Center > Privileges. If I go and downvote a post right now, will I lose my downvoting privileges?
-14 votes
1 answer

Getting downvoted yet no comment as to why [duplicate]

The last question I asked got 2 downvotes, yet no comments as to why, I have asked several people I know that use SO, and the only reason I got back was "You didn't use JSBin". I am wanting to improve ...
50 votes
2 answers

Attempts to improve old off-topic question met with downvotes

In the spirit of trying to improve the quality of Stack Overflow, I've been looking for closed questions I think I know something about, to see whether they can be salvaged. As we've discussed ...
-17 votes
2 answers

Undeserved down-votes [closed]

I recently began programming and I realize Stack Overflow is an invaluable resource. I have read the rules and try my best to solve a problem on my own before asking a question. However I realize this ...
-10 votes
1 answer

Find out why a post was downvoted? [duplicate]

I just earned about 15 rep points. And then one of my answers was voted down and I lost two points. I think it be nice to know the reason why it was downvoted. Is there a way to find out, or is this ...