Current State
As of now, there is a total hard limit in the suggest-edit queue. Additionally, there is a limit of five edits per user. It is the same for users with 1 point and 1999 points. It should be added that this is a SO specific setting, as most SE sites have a limit of 20 edits per user.
This is somewhat suboptimal, as more engaged users (which often times end up becoming more experienced users) are hindered in their ability to curate content. This has a cascading effect on reviews, as subsequently, these users are oftentimes driven away from doing reviews due to the frustration of not being able to do them properly, myself included.
Proposed solution
As there is a general unwillingness on meta to edit the order/reputation level for any of the privileges (See pretty much any feature request/discussion to do so), I would like to propose something else:
Incrementally increase the allowed number of concurrent pending edits by a user depending on past approved edits of said user.
E.g. For every 25 approved edits, 1 additional edit-slot is granted until reaching a max of 15 concurrent pending edit suggestion. (As balancing is not my expertise, do not take the concrete numbers used here too serious.)
This solution will by no means fix everything, but I think it is a good step in the right direction of moving away from using the reputation system for every privilege, even when it makes little sense to do so.