I've seen multiple people (including mods) imply that the reason for many terminal questions being closed as off-topic is that they are not "software tools primarily used by programmers".
(Whether it's "primarily" or "commonly" is discussed here: Is it tools used ... "Commonly By Programmers" or "Primarily For Programming"?))
I think it's hard to argue that terminals aren't used commonly by programmers. But I'm also surprised that some people seem to think that terminals aren't "primarily" used by programmers.
Maybe there's some ambiguity/misunderstanding about the word "primarily"? I would understand "primarily" in this context as "the majority of users".
Now even that is ambiguous, what do we mean by "users": one can define users as "has at least once used something", or alternatively as I would argue, one should define a user rather as "someone who frequently uses something".
Something that those who argue against terminals being "primarily used by programmers" say is that sysadmins use terminals a lot. That's true, but are there really more people who do sysadmin stuff with terminals on a given day than people who use the terminal as part of programming work? Maybe I'm underestimating the number of sysadmins and overestimate the number of programmers.
Also, if terminals are said to be not primarily used by programmers, then what about text editors like VS Code? I'm sure lots of sysadmins use VS Code, one can even use VS Code to write books, or edit a config file, etc. So I can't really see why terminal questions can be closed with reason "not a tool commonly/primarily used by programmers" when visual-studio-code questions aren't commonly closed with that reason.