It seems unlikely to me that most users who initially come here because they have a question, will be motivated by reputation or privileges. Is there anything else we can offer them to encourage engaging with the site constructively (i.e. joining a community that builds a high-quality Q&A library, rather than seeking a help desk or discussion forum)?
I recently wrote this comment in the Staging Ground:
Please keep in mind that Stack Overflow is not a discussion forum nor a help desk; we have high standards for questions because they need to serve everyone's needs, not just your own. The goal here is not to make your code work, but to help build up a useful, searchable resource.
I wanted to edit this to tack on: "By using the site as intended, you can" - but I drew a blank on offering any reward that might be actually enticing. I would prefer not to invoke threats like "... avoid an automated rate limit or question ban".