Given that discussions are made for more open-ended and subjective posts, should posts that don't fit SO be moved there?
- It would populate discussions with more questions.
- The asker and anyone searching for the question would get an answer (potentially) instead of a closed question.
- Moderation workload would be slightly reduced as one would not have to check to reopen the question if the user edits it after closure.
- Some legitimate questions that have a definite and objective answer, but only need some rewording, might be "lost" to discussions. See also this.
- Low reputation/new users might be encouraged to post on Discussions instead of improving their posts/posting on "regular SO".
An opinion-based question would still need flagging. Instead of closing due to "needing improvements", the flag option could be moved like this:
Should this be implemented, the user should be informed as to why the post in question was moved.