Yes, I think your view is too stringent and perhaps could be tweaked slightly. I think the question is clear enough and does not need a MCVE, so I don't think the question needs to be closed. So I disagree with your choice to vote to close. But I don't think it warrants you being banned from reviewing.
Review audits are notorious for sometimes being erroneous. Sometimes you get suboptimally chosen audits. This is an unfortunate aspect of the current system, and no fix is likely to appear any time soon.
Diving into details:
There is no requirement that every question have code. The lack of any code is not a flaw with the question.
I'm not sure whether the question would be improved by including a specific error message. If there is a distinctive error message that is specific to this misconfiguration, including it would help others with the same problem find the question via web search, but I don't think that is required or sufficient reason to close the question. If the error message varies based on unrelated circumstances, then there is no error message to include.
"Needs debugging details" only applies to debugging questions. I don't see this as a debugging question.
Should the question be closed? I'd say no. In borderline cases, I suggest we go back to the purpose of closure. As I see it, the purpose of closure is to make sure that questions are clear enough that they can be answered, it's clear enough what criteria to use in voting on answers, and that the question will be useful to others. I think this question meets those purposes: it is clear enough to answer, it is clear enough that anyone who is encountering the same problem can vote, and it is an issue that multiple people are encountering. One of the purposes of closure is to avoid a situation where someone asks an ambiguous question, eager people jump in and answer the question based on some assumptions, and then we later discover that the assumptions weren't correct, and now we have a mess. I don't think that's likely to be a problem here. So I would not vote to close this.
I don't think voting to close would accomplish much useful at this point. I think a better response would be to edit in the missing information, if there is a way to do so and improve the question, or to move on.
Regardless, I don't think cases like this (where we can imagine reasonable people making a case for voting either way) should be used as audits. Unfortunately, the current system uses automated rules to select questions to use as audits, and as such, it can sometimes make a poor choice.