Recently the comment posted, when a question is voted/flagged as duplicate of another was changed (I can't find an announcement post for this, as I'd likely post this as an answer there if I could there was no announcement post for this, only an answer to a ), which instead of reading:

Does this answer your question? [Question Link]

Now reads:

This question is similar to: [Question Link]. If you believe it’s different, please edit the question, make it clear how it’s different and/or how the answers on that question are not helpful for your problem.

Can the "edit" word be changed to be a "magic link" ([edit]) so that it is a link to edit the actual question? It is surprising how many users "struggle" to find it, or answer in the comments. It also makes it more consistent with the comment templates in the Staging Ground, as the Duplicate comment is the only one that doesn't make "edit" a magic link.



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