About 10 years ago, the [compiler] tag was renamed to [compiler-construction] to avoid "tag misuse". That was a good idea.
However, since the tag compiler is still a synonym to the compiler-construction tag, there is often misuse of the tag. It would be better to not have the compiler as a synonym. People usually add the compiler-tag when they have questions about a specific compiler (and this was explicitly listed as the problem with the tag).
Comment, from the above linked 10 year old question, still a recurring problem:
I agree with Ganesh that the synonym should be removed. The tag keeps being misused. I've seen some cases where the tag was removed by the OP shortly after asking the question, but there's also plenty of cases where the tag is simply kept until I or someone else remove it.
Can we remove the compiler synonym from the compiler-construction tag? Such that questions not about "Compiler Construction", does not get tagged compiler-construction?