The new "watch tag" design has apparently rolled out to Stack Overflow (only). Where previously, hovering a tag on a question would show the wiki excerpt (which is designed precisely for that kind of display), there is a bug where now the modal shows the first sentence/paragraph of the full wiki description, sometimes with broken formatting:
New tag modal (notice the huge repetitive tag name and the apparent run-on sentence in the tag description):
Tag wiki page, showing excerpt and full wiki--compare the newline formatting in the tag's wiki with the broken/missing formatting from the excerpt above):
What it used to look like (e.g. on Meta):
Can this please be reverted back to showing the excerpt (and can we get rid of repeating the tag name in big bold letters?)? Site (network?) guidelines for excerpts are crafted differently specifically to phrase them appropriately for display in this and a couple other locations, and the full description has no such requirements. Ideally, the only thing that should have changed with this rollout is replacing the 'watch tag/ignore tag' buttons with the 'follow tag' button... nothing else.
(note, this is only implemented on the main SO site, not Meta SO, Meta SE, or other network sites as far as I can tell).