If a question is not answered, will another newly asked question be considered the duplicate question?
If a question is answered but not solved, then the new question is considered as duplicate question?
I assume that by "solved" you mean "has an accepted answer".
Whether a question "is considered as duplicate" is entirely up to those who flag or vote that way.
The system will permit a given question X to be closed as a duplicate of question Y, as long as Y has an accepted answer and/or an upvoted answer.
Note that old questions may be closed as duplicates of newer ones, whether or not the old question has answers. However, this is a rare occurrence, and usually happens as part of a cleanup effort even further down the road (when someone realizes the newer question was originally overlooked as a duplicate, and became more popular and received more editing attention).
If the answer to a question has expired, then the new question will be considered as duplicate question?
If you are not satisfied with all the answers to a question, does post a new question count as a duplicate question?
Answers can't "expire". If the existing answers on a question are demonstrably invalidated due to being obsolete (meaning: you can show that they used to work but don't any more), then it deserves new answers.
Please don't intentionally post duplicates. Instead, draw attention to the old question. This includes cases where an answer is needed that works with a new version of a library (assuming the existing answers all don't), or where the existing answers are unsatisfactory for some other reason.