I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: using salt to upgrade Linux Mint OS
This post was closed without any specific explanation. According to the boilerplate,
This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. You can edit the question so it's on-topic or see if it can be answered on another Stack Exchange site, but be sure to read the on-topic page for a site before posting there.
The tags for the question were both salt and salt-stack (the former tag somehow did not appear). It was a question about how to use salt to update the OS of clients, something that is not obviously possible, since the salt client processes depend on the underlying OS to work. The question is obviously one about a programming problem, as can be seen from the one answer supplied, which is a programming solution. The closing administrator did not suggest why this question did not qualify and did not suggest where I might repost the question. I would like the question reopened, since I am setting up a development environment to test the solution and would like the opportunity to interact with the person who supplied the answer on any problems that might arise.
There is a discussion of whether questions about SALT (and other distributed configuration programming languages) should be considered on-topic. The response with the highest score (19) advocates that these questions should be considered on topic. The first sentence of this response is:
If it's about programming Ansible / Puppet / Chef / Salt to do a specific task, it's on topic.
The argument is hard to summarize, but suggests that if these are off topic then questions about SQL, prolog and logbook should also be off topic. So, I would argue that the languages that support these applications are legitimate programming languages and therefore should be considered on topic. However, I am open to moving this question to another site, but there seems not to be a consensus where to post.