
All my last questions on SO with tag were downvoted and voted to close as "Needs details or clarity". Always similar behavior: downvote + close "Needs details or clarity".

I have been using SO for 9 years and I know how to ask questions. I've never seen something like this. I think that it is done by one person. All my question. I applied to support, but their answer was "We will do nothing for you".

Today I've asked a new question without the tag. But the question was edited by another user, and tagged . And after that, bingo: downvote + close-vote.

This is the link Swing JScrollBar is scrolled to bottom when value is equal to 0 so, everyone can see if the question has all details.

Any ideas how to solve this problem? It is a problem for me, because I am a java developer and I can't use SO normally anymore.

  • 7
    If you already raised a moderator flag, and the mods didn't find evidence of abuse... there is nothing more to be done.
    – yivi
    Commented Jun 25 at 8:53
  • 15
    Out of your last ten questions, only three received downvotes or close votes. I'm not sure if three votes is enough to establish a pattern, even if the votes would be from the same person (which you and I can't see).
    – BDL
    Commented Jun 25 at 8:56
  • 5
    If anything, we could help identify some cues for why your questions tend to be poorly received. I do not claim to be a Swing expect, but I would still recommend that code examples include all the imports necessary to compile.
    – E_net4
    Commented Jun 25 at 9:04
  • 6
    I deleted my comment (before you posted your reply, by the way) as it was slightly misleading, but you are at least exaggerating: it's not all your Java questions, even including deleted ones: this question has neither (although you deleted it quite quickly).
    – Ryan M Mod
    Commented Jun 25 at 9:07
  • 5
    I'm not the mod who handled this, but the close votes, at least, are not all the same person. A lot of them are, but it doesn't especially look like targeting (being intentionally vague so as not to aid people who want to get away with targeting).
    – Ryan M Mod
    Commented Jun 25 at 9:08
  • 16
    Maybe, it could help if you were open to the idea that you are not actually being targeted by a single user, but that some of your questions are not being well received by some users. Assume good will on the mod-team part, and assume they did investigate your claims before deciding they found no evidence to support them.
    – yivi
    Commented Jun 25 at 9:11
  • 8
    Put it this way: Of your last 10 [java] questions: 6 were close-voted by one person, 2 were close-voted by other people, and 2 have no close votes (earlier Qs don't seem to have many close votes). This doesn't really look like targeting. If you have additional evidence you are being targeted beyond this, you should provide it, accurately: when we see a claim like "all my java questions" and check that and it's not true, we're likely to decline the flag. If there are other questions, link them. With what we have, someone genuinely thinking 6 of your posts are unsuitable isn't against the rules.
    – Ryan M Mod
    Commented Jun 25 at 9:36
  • 4
    This assumes, based on your phrasing, that you believe the issue is targeting. The evidence suggests that you are not being targeted. If you instead want to argue that there's a pattern of incorrect close voting in the [java] tag, then provide more than a single example.
    – Ryan M Mod
    Commented Jun 25 at 9:37
  • 13
    @Cuzy it's not unlikely that a user very active in a tag might view and vote on several or all of the questions in said tag. As a consecquence several of a users questions in the same tag might be voted on by the same user. That has nothing to do with targeting at all but is just a consequence of being an active user.
    – cafce25
    Commented Jun 25 at 10:49
  • 5
    @Cuzy Java tag has many questions asked on daily basis. User active in such tag can easily vote to close over 40 questions in that tag on daily basis. In that context 6 questions that span over few months is nothing more than coincidence.
    – Dalija Prasnikar Mod
    Commented Jun 25 at 11:47
  • 9
    @Cuzy I feel like you vastly underestimate how much a motivated (or just bored) user can review when monitoring new questions in a tag. You also seem to overestimate how much effort is involved in examining a question. It's not impossible to look through one or two hundred questions. And it can take from under a minute to maybe five minutes to read each. The shorter the question, the easier and many are short. Moreover, some educated guesses can be made by what's seen of the question in the list. And you can skip anything that looks decent or spent just seconds on it verifying it's OK.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jun 25 at 13:25
  • 7
    @SecurityHound OP has already pulled the trigger on deleting their account, so that's rather academic at this point.
    – F1Krazy
    Commented Jun 25 at 15:06
  • 9
    @PresidentJamesK.Polk I'm not sure there's much to be done. Such posts often come from a state of anger or injured pride, and the poster is not open to either rational disagreement (or, perhaps sadly more likely, critical appraisal). Perceived opposition to their grievance is simple a justification for escalation, an the final performance of a rage-quit. Commented Jun 25 at 19:40
  • 8
    @PresidentJamesK.Polk Why and what exactly are you not satisfied with? I didn't sign up to teach adults (on some sites almost 11 YO account, claimed to have Masters in something until not long ago) how not to behave like a spoiled 5 year old. This whole exchange here was absurd, it has no place here.
    – Dan Mašek
    Commented Jun 25 at 21:33
  • 5
    @bad_coder Is that your conclusion from reading the deleted answers?
    – E_net4
    Commented Jun 27 at 8:11

2 Answers 2


I have been using SO for 9 years and I know how to ask questions.

With respect: based on the linked question, no, you don't.

For reference, the text of your question, aside from the code:

I am working on swing project and in this project scroll bar is scrolled to bottom (via model) with value = 0. This is the code reproducing this behavior.

Run the code and click the button. You will see that scroll bar will be at the bottom at the same time its value is 0. Could anyone explain it?

There are multiple issues with this. First off, there are grammatical errors, and the prose is redundant, and a couple of references are vague. We could instead say:

I tried the following code using Swing:

When I click the "Change Model" button, the scroll bar moves to the bottom and the output shows that model.getValue() returned 0. Why?

But it's still on you to clarify: what is there to explain? That is to say: what do you think should happen instead, and why should that happen? Is the value wrong, or the scrollbar position (or both)? What do you think they should be instead?

Further: specifically what do you expect model.setRangeProperties(0, 24, -3, 24, false) to do, and why? Did you review the documentation, and double-check that the arguments you're passing make sense for the effect that you want? Did you try changing those arguments to see the effect they have? What exactly do you believe you aren't understanding, about how model.setRangeProperties works?


All my last questions on SO with tag java were downvoted and voted to close as "Needs details or clarity". Always similar behavior: downvote + close "Needs details or clarity".

Some evidence collected from a moderator and posted as comments above reveals that not all questions were downvoted and/or voted to close:

it's not all your Java questions, even including deleted ones: this question has neither (although you deleted it quite quickly).

I'm not the mod who handled this, but the close votes, at least, are not all the same person. A lot of them are, but it doesn't especially look like targeting

Of your last 10 questions: 6 were close-voted by one person, 2 were close-voted by other people, and 2 have no close votes (earlier Qs don't seem to have many close votes).

I have been using SO for 9 years and I know how to ask questions. I've never seen something like this. [...] All my java question.

Asking questions was easier 9 years ago, because there were far fewer questions (and askers) around, making it easier to show something which was never asked about before. Nowadays, especially for mature technologies such as Java, it is somewhat hard to come up with a novel, high quality problem statement. It may seem unfair, but that is what the platform is optimizing for. Better be open to the fact that users are more likely to find that your question isn't useful.

I think that it is done by one person. I applied to support, but their answer was "We will do nothing for you".

Those with the power to investigate have already looked into your ticket and concluded that there is no evidence to support the claim that you are being targeted. Better to accept that rather than assume that they are lying to you or that they were slacking.

Today I've asked a new question without the java tag. But the question was edited by another user, and tagged java. And after that, bingo: downvote + close-vote.

Trying to evade attention from some users through incomplete tagging is frowned upon. If the question is a Java question, it makes perfect sense to tag it as such. Let's not shift the blame to the editors.

This is the link Swing JScrollBar is scrolled to bottom when value is equal to 0 so, everyone can see if the question has all details.

Now, this is what you could have been focusing on in this Meta question. Narrowing it down to what can be improved in this Java Swing question would have been much more productive.

Repeating from what I said in a comment: I do not claim to be a Swing expert, but I would still recommend that code examples include all the import statements necessary to compile. Consider also including your JDK version & distribution, and if applicable, any extra dependencies and versions involved.

Now, if you were to be a bit more patient, you might get even more feedback on that question. But if you just give up, that is your prerogative.

Any ideas how to solve this problem?

By default, if your posts tend to be poorly received, consider first what you can improve in them. This may involve learning how to ask again. I understand how condescending this may sound, but the platform has shown us again and again how even long-time users either forget or overlook the quality standards and effort expected from contributors.