Update - Staging Ground is now live!
We hope you enjoy using this new feature of the site. If you encounter any bugs using the Staging Ground, we'd encourage you to report them on a new Meta Stack Overflow post, tagged bug. And, of course, if you have ideas for improvement, please feel free to propose feature-requests as well.
Staging Ground will return the week of June 3rd, 2024, and be available to all first-time question-askers and reviewers with over 500 reputation points on Stack Overflow. In this post, we will recap Staging Ground from the past betas, share the new updates available at launch, explain how askers and reviewers can participate, discuss future updates, talk about scaling, and show you how you can help.
For well over a decade, Stack Overflow has been a repository for high-quality software questions and answers, serving as a valuable resource for individuals seeking knowledge about their programming questions. The quality standards of Stack Overflow are a cornerstone of its success, allowing for the cultivation and curation of a high-quality, dependable resource. At the same time, high-quality standards present a challenging learning curve to new participants, who do not often know how to craft a question to meet the site’s standards. Staging Ground was introduced in 2022 as a safe sandbox environment, designed to bridge the gap between new askers and experienced community members. It offers a place where askers can receive constructive feedback, refine their questions, and familiarize themselves with the quality standards of the site, in order to help overcome the learning curve of using Stack Overflow effectively.
A short recap of the Staging Ground initiative
Staging Ground started off with three main goals:
- Improve the quality of questions asked by new users
- Increase the percentage of successful questions asked by new users
- Improve the engagement and knowledge transfer between new askers and reviewers
During its past beta phases, a small group of reviewers volunteered to participate. Staging Ground had 50 dedicated reviewers who volunteered their time and expertise to review more than 8,000 questions, contributing immensely to the project's goals. The beta phases were concentrated on optimizing the workflows for reviewers and askers, hoping to ensure a streamlined and efficient process. Feedback was actively solicited through a private Stack Overflow for Teams instance and chatroom. This enabled the developer team to work closely with reviewers to address requests and rectify bugs. Furthermore, participants submitted experience reports, sharing their insights and suggested further improvements.
Throughout the beta, Staging Ground had a positive impact, resulting in a greater proportion of successful questions and a smoother new asker onboarding experience, nearly doubling the rate at which questions were successful on-platform, improving question closure rates, and preventing questions from being deleted in the long-term. Newcomers to asking questions on Stack Overflow were given the chance to receive personalized assistance from knowledgeable community members, significantly improving their question-asking experience and fostering a culture of collaboration and communication. This led to a higher quality of questions being posted and a corresponding reduction in the number of questions closed for not meeting Stack Overflow’s standards.
Changes for the full release of Staging Ground
Over the last few months, we have been working on an update to Staging Ground to enhance the overall experience for both reviewers and authors. This update encompasses a wide array of improvements and new features that were requested by the community, including quality-of-life enhancements such as a simplified Ask Wizard onboarding process, updated "post" button text for minor edits, and the introduction of new badges to reward reviewer activity. Notifications, mod tooling, abuse prevention measures, and miscellaneous bug fixes are also integral parts of the scope to improve the feature's functionality.
Upcoming and planned changes
Furthermore, we're sketching out additional updates that we plan to develop after Staging Ground’s initial release. These encompass:
- Reviewers will receive an email notification when a post has been submitted for re-evaluation
- Reviewers will receive an email notification when there’s new activity in a post they reviewed
Quality of life improvements
Display comments made in Staging Ground posts in the user profile, with main site comments
Display followed Staging Ground posts within the user profile
Display edits made in Staging Ground posts within the user profile
Improvements to gamification (i.e. badges) and incentivization for reviewers
These changes are not completely settled, and we are always looking for further feedback, so we’d encourage you to speak up if you think something could benefit from improvement or a bug fix.
How to participate in Staging Ground
As a question-asker
First-time askers initially create their questions through the Ask Wizard. After creating their question, their post automatically enters Staging Ground for feedback and guidance from experienced users before their question is posted publicly.
Askers will receive both inbox and email notifications as they receive feedback on their drafted questions. The notifications are intended to provide calls to action for the asker to improve their drafts after receiving guidance. They’ll also be able to see the status of their question by clicking the “Staging Ground” icon on the left sidebar navigation.
As a question-reviewer
If a user has earned 500 reputation points, they have access to review queues and can join in the efforts to improve the quality of new questions on the platform. This includes access to Staging Ground. To get started reviewing questions, click on the “Staging Ground” icon on the left sidebar navigation or through this link.
Learn more about using Staging Ground through this Help Center article.
Staging Ground’s scaling problem
During the beta, it became clear that many Staging Ground reviews take significantly more of a reviewer’s time than existing curation activities across the network. A learning from the beta period was that if Staging Ground was expanded to encompass every new question, we may overburden reviewers and present them with an intractable workload.
This is still an open question for us, but we will be working on strategies to address this problem. Our first step is to make the Staging Ground review process easier and smoother, soliciting feedback from reviewers and askers alike. Post-launch, we will be exploring strategies to incentivize reviewers to participate, lower reviewer cycle time, and progression paths for askers who became successful to help other askers. We’d like performing reviews to be as easy as possible!
We’d also like to provide good context and feedback for users at an early point. If users who ask questions in Staging Ground receive good guidance, then, in theory, their posts will be better on average. Though the impact is hard to estimate, constructive guidance also lends to a better new user experience.
Finally, we will be closely monitoring the pace of new questions relative to active reviewers to ensure there is a healthy balance where asker's feel their questions are seen and reviewers aren't feeling overburdened.
We’re open to new ideas to help incentivize reviewer motivations. Previously, we have asked for feedback in this post, but we’d like to restart that conversation to get new perspectives.
Next steps and how you can help
We’re returning to basics and using this opportunity to revisit what makes a “good” quality question. The questions we are asking and the data we are collecting are:
- Why are certain questions on the site considered good and well-written?
- What are the characteristics/components of a question?
- What criteria should be used to evaluate whether a draft is likely to be successful?
- What do reviewers prioritize when evaluating new questions?
- How do reviewers decide which questions need improvement?
We’ll conduct future research studies to gather insights from both reviewers and askers about their experiences and explore ways to simplify processes. If you’re interested in participating in research, please make sure to enable the research invitation option in your profile settings. You can do this by navigating to Profile > Settings > Edit email settings.
In addition, we are utilizing the data collected from the previous Staging Ground beta testing as a foundation for our data discovery. This includes analyzing the engagement with comment templates in Staging Ground, examining questions that were successfully transitioned to the main site, and gathering qualitative and quantitative data through research studies.
Thank you in advance for your participation!
In addition to those who have already participated in Staging Ground in the past, we encourage all community members who have contributed valuable questions and actively participated in review queues to explore the new Staging Ground feature. This initiative is designed to assist newcomers in crafting more effective questions. Your expertise and guidance will be instrumental in helping new askers refine their questions while upholding our mission to build a library of high-quality contributions. Thank you again for your dedication to fostering collaboration.