99% of the time I'm using SO, I am viewing questions of specific tags and I almost always have the questions sorted by "Active". Under the question excerpt is its tags on the left and a status on the right.
The status includes the user (and their rep) that made the latest change, whether it was asked, answered, or modified, and when it was changed.
For example:
billbybob 35 asked 30 mins ago
Jimmy 11 answered 5 secs ago
MaryJane 120 modified 1 day ago
I would find it useful if "modified" could be expanded just a bit to be more specific. At a glance it would be nice to know whether it was the question or an answer that was modified. And it would be nice to know whether it was the editor's own question or answer that they modified.
The following are the four possibilities:
MaryJane 120 modified question 1 day ago
MaryJane 120 modified answer 1 day ago
MaryJane 120 modified own question 1 day ago
MaryJane 120 modified own answer 1 day ago
This little bit of extra information would allow me to make a more informed decision about whether I want to look into the change or not.