Perhaps the most useful guide for you is the What do votes mean on Meta? Why was my well-written post downvoted? answer on the How does Meta Stack Overflow work? FAQ post:
Unlike the normal Stack Overflow site, Meta Stack Overflow invites the community to discuss, debate and propose changes to the way the community itself behaves, as well as how the software itself works.
On posts tagged feature-request, voting indicates agreement or disagreement with the proposed change in addition to usual reasons based on the quality or usefulness of the post itself. Also, on discussion posts, votes may be used to indicate agreement/disagreement with the author's standpoint.
To promote free discussion, votes have no effect on your reputation. Instead, your reputation is copied from the main site, once every hour. You can still earn badges here, separate from the main site, however.
If your post on Meta is being downvoted, it is just as likely that people voting down simply disagree with your premise/argument/concern.
Follow that up with the Should I do anything before posting on Meta? answer on the same FAQ collection:
Search first
Before you post, please use the search function. It's extremely likely that what you are going to ask has been asked/discussed many times before. It's probably a good idea to search Meta Stack Exchange as well -- it contains lots of relevant material.
Don't complain if you're treated a bit rough for posting a duplicate question
You were told to search first, weren't you?
Bring your sense of humor
Meta Stack Overflow can seem to be harsh at first, but it's actually far from it. Just be polite and don't act in a trollish manner. Everyone here is here to help you.