This answer is based off the information I have access to, it does not include results of any further moderator actions nor do I have knowledge of any moderator messages that were sent to you.
Personally, I raised a flag against one of your posts a few days ago as your voting looked suspicious. I had noticed that as a user of (then) 8 days you had achieved the Vox Populi badge on the day you signed up; a badge that means you used your maximum votes of 40 in a single day. I also noticed that on that day you had made a significant number (I think it was 44). This had a significant smell to it. When I raised the flag, you were at almost 300 votes (meaning you had likely voted ~40 times every day).
Many new users are completely unfamiliar with the voting system, you had used all of your on the first day; this seemed like the votes weren't legitimate. Such a large volume, on such a small amount of days, made it appear that the votes weren't because you found the content useful but for something else (perhaps a voting ring). As a result I stated in the flag that the votes did not seem to be genuine and that something seemed awry.
The response I got to the flag, today, was:
looks like they were attempting to get the Civic Duty badge, we'll look into it
I had, in truth, only noticed that this flag had been marked as useful about 10 minutes before your post and too noticed that your votes had been deleted. This is, presumably, a result of the findings of the moderator team.
If the moderator's assumption is correct, and you were just aiming for the Civic Duty badge, well you have achieved it, however, this could (apparently has) been seen as an abuse of the voting system. Votes should be used to denote content personally you found (not) helpful/useful. Just voting on content you find to get a badge, and ensuring you use the maximum number of votes on several days, is not going to help demonstrate your true feelings on the content.
Of course, if this isn't correct, and you truly had found around 300 posts helpful in the last ~9 days, then your votes were warranted, but (with the greatest respects) I find this unlikely.