I came across this meta post : Should one answer terribly poor questions? and thought answering poor questions are not the norm, at least among people with high reps. But then these are counter-examples: https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/new
Id AS [Post Link],
FROM Posts
WHERE Score < -5 and AnswerCount > 0
ORDER BY CreationDate desc
(You may need to click a few before you land on a question with an answer from higher rep user)
Although most of these questions are closed (for being flagged I'm guessing), it is safe to assume the person answering did not raise the flag, otherwise they would not add an answer.
So why would someone with >6k rep answer a poor question? Is there a reason behind it or just exceptions?
As to why I think they shouldn't, I think it is better explained by @Denilson Amorim from the mentioned meta post.
I want to clarify that I completely agree that no harm is being done by adding an answer to SO, regardless of the question quality. However there are plenty of examples where poor questions are closed before an answer (and thus disabling answering). Since high rep contributors have higher privileges, they should flag / close instead of answering.
I do not want to smear the good names of those who have answered poor questions. Removed direct links to questions and replaced with query
Defn. of a poor question: See the answer for What is a "BAD" question?
In my opinion, I think a high rep (thereby expert) users of the platform should be able to detect a poor question without guidance. This is not to say they don't, but they should not wait on other community members with enough rep to downvote the question to know that it was bad.