When I clicked the “Learn more” button in my profile from recent badge section, the landing page is broken.
8Looks like they forgot to add everything back when they gave us the census badge again. (UPDATED 5/5/23) - Changes to the Census badge– vandenchCommented May 8, 2023 at 20:18
2The Hover-Popup is a bit misleading, the real Msg is: "You once or more times completed the annual SO Survey between [2017-2022], we removed all Census Badges last week because of some Privacy Issue. Due to High Pressure, we are reissuing 1 Census Badge for those [2017-2022] years, no more Badges will be issued from 2023,"– chivracqCommented May 8, 2023 at 22:35
1"Completed the annual Stack Overflow survey one or more times; this badge can only be awarded once; your survey responses are anonymous in theory only because they could be traced back with some effort and we're doing nothing against it besides removing this badge which doesn't really solve the actual issue at hand for the time being."– shaedrichCommented May 10, 2023 at 10:19
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This link is fixed and working now.
3Yep indeed, and on the "main" Census page: "Awarded 188451 times. This badge is retired and is no longer awarded.", OK, perfect..., but the part "This badge can be awarded multiple times." is not true (anymore), as all multiple Badges were converted to just one per User.– chivracqCommented Jun 5, 2023 at 12:06