
Update on June 13, 2023: Thanks to everyone who took the survey! The 2023 Developer Survey results are available here. (Also see the announcement on the blog.)

The annual Developer Survey is now live! We want to hear from anyone who codes, is learning to code, is code-adjacent, or is in the developer community. The survey will remain open until May 19, 2023.

Don't delay, take the 2023 Developer Survey today.

Thank you in advance for your participation and for making your voice heard. A sincere thank you to everyone who provided feedback on our listed technologies for the 2023 survey. 

This year, you may notice some changes to the survey as we've worked to simplify the 2023 Developer Survey. For example, we have removed all demographic questions except age and country of residence. 

In addition, we're unfortunately no longer able to award the Census badge for those who complete the entire survey. You can learn more about this update here.

Survey results will be available publicly under the Open Database License. You'll be able to download and analyze the dataset later this year and we'll update this post once they're available.

If you use security or ad-blocking plugins, you may see error messages. Our third-party software provider, Qualtrics, does not work well with certain ad blockers and security software. To avoid error messages that prevent you from taking the survey, please try specifically unblocking Qualtrics in your plugin or pausing the plugin while you take the survey. Additionally, as a reminder, Qualtrics blocks certain countries from accessing their site and data: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and the Crimea region of Ukraine (including Sevastopol). In addition, some users in China may have issues due to restrictions imposed by local internet service providers.

If you discover any bugs in the survey or have any questions or concerns, please feel free to add them below this post as answers.

  • 34
    Visual Studio (not VS Code) is missing from the development environments section
    – Lennart
    Commented May 8, 2023 at 12:20
  • 15
    The mention of the change(s) about the 'Census' Badge is a bit vague, could mention the change directly (between brackets maybe) without having to read a long separate Thread...: => "Beginning with the 2023 Developer Survey, we will no longer give the Census badge to those who complete the entire Developer Survey."
    – chivracq
    Commented May 8, 2023 at 12:47
  • 18
    Web frameworks, presumably "Spring" and "Boot" are supposed to be one option "Spring Boot"
    – khelwood
    Commented May 8, 2023 at 12:51
  • 8
    It would be good to be able to review the questions/answers after having submitted the survey. I had some feedback to give regarding some of the questions but now I have no way to go back to them
    – Paolo
    Commented May 8, 2023 at 12:54
  • 6
    "Which of the following best describes the code you write outside of work?" => How is option "Freelance/contract work" outside of work...? // + Could mention "SO + Tech Forums", many of us write Code on SO when answering Questions.
    – chivracq
    Commented May 8, 2023 at 13:08
  • 19
    My attitude towards the title is the same as ever: Why should I? Commented May 8, 2023 at 19:11
  • 12
    what's the internal review process for the survey like? the community review post uncovered a great many basic mistakes with casing the should have been fixed by basic googling, and the published survey contains several problems which people have pointed out here. I imagine this does not look good on the company. What are you going to do to avoid these kinds of mistakes happening in the future?
    – starball
    Commented May 8, 2023 at 21:43
  • 3
    I edited the wording of the Census badge "change" sentence; the original phrasing felt actively misleading to me. My impression is that the intent of it was certainly to "soften the blow" rather than "mislead", but it danced around the actual effect too much, and just ended up being confusing. Folks deserve to know that "change" means "went away" without having to click through or find out at the end of the survey.
    – zcoop98
    Commented May 8, 2023 at 23:13
  • 2
    Why was the "Race and ethnicity" section removed this year?
    – Paolo
    Commented May 9, 2023 at 9:31
  • 12
    @Paolo Presumably because that information is irrelevant, and none of their business to ask about?
    – Dan Mašek
    Commented May 9, 2023 at 9:48
  • 10
    @user every year they have these endless basic mistakes. Presumably the people designing and writing it are marketing people with no understanding of software development whatsoever.
    – OrangeDog
    Commented May 9, 2023 at 12:32
  • 16
    @Paolo Because this survey always had a heavy focus towards what upper management at SO considers the latest buzzword. Some years back it was "diversity". Now it is "AI". Buzzword-driven development...
    – Lundin
    Commented May 9, 2023 at 15:01
  • 20
    Maybe one year they'll actually show the survey to at least one developer before releasing it.
    – OrangeDog
    Commented May 9, 2023 at 18:01
  • 11
    Why doesn't the "How did you learn to code?" question not seem to include "Reading the documentation"?
    – Sam Dean
    Commented May 11, 2023 at 11:33
  • 3
    How many questions are there in the survey and how long does it approximately to finish it? Many other surveys kind of indicate that information at the beginning. Or am I simply not seeing it? Commented May 12, 2023 at 13:35

35 Answers 35


I had quite a bit of difficulty actually filling in the survey. Several of the questions don't seem to capture inputs in a regular browser view and required me to move it into a mobile layout for my clicks to register.

  • 5
    What browser, including edition (e.g., Firefox ESR) and version? In what configuration? On what platform (e.g, OS, including edition (e.g., MX Linux) and version)? Commented May 12, 2023 at 13:55
  • Barring automatic updates between friday and now, I was using Chrome version 113.0.5672.93, switching between the regular desktop view or emulated iphone 12 view when questions didn't work. Running on a Windows 10 enterprise, version 22H2. Configuration is standard as far as I know.
    – Valthek
    Commented May 15, 2023 at 13:24

Another note is that other than the Play Framework, Scala's frameworks and tools/libraries are completely missing.

For example, you could have included Akka as a framework, SBT and Mill as build tools, etc.

  • But the technology space is vast and the space in the survey is (practically) limited. I hadn't encountered Akka and Mill until today. Though theoretically the questions could be context-dependent. Commented May 12, 2023 at 16:17
  • 4
    Just thinking out loud, but I wonder, in the future, if they could make the "which technologies do you use" section context sensitive? Like, show all the popular Scala libraries only if you selected "Scala" as a language you use. Only show Rails if you picked Ruby, etc., etc. It would give a lot more space to collect data on libraries in that awkward category of "very popular in language X but relatively unknown outside of it", which is a very large category. Commented May 14, 2023 at 3:48

For me the survey was "laborious", in an unpleasant way.

I work mostly with Java, sometimes C++, and some other languages that I marked in the earlier questions. And then I got into lists of tools / frameworks / libraries, where I had to scroll for my language libs across multiple things like JavaScript's Angular or Python's numpy.

Couldn't it have been done that the latter questions at least somehow base on the former ones, with the other libs (we don't want to exclude that possibility) presented in, say, another section?


There were a few things missing from the survey. First, I noticed there's three build tools missing from the list on the "Compiling, Building, and Testing tools" question:

  • vcpkg on the "Build and test tools" question. MSVC package manager for C++. NuGet was on the list though
  • GNU autotools. I don't think this is used much outside of GNU projects
  • bazel build system

Second, the answer choices were missing a few options I would've picked if they were there. The list of primary operating systems on "What is your primary operating system in which you work?" was missing my favorite one openSUSE. Manpages weren't an option on the "How did you learn to code?" question. There was no option for "I don't handle technology purchases in my company" on the Technology purchases question; the only options were "Investigate on my own" or "Given a list".

Finally, the country list used in the survey should probably be updated; Swaziland was in the list, but is now called Eswatini.


The free text fields appears (at least to me) as single line fields, but they ask pretty complex questions like the ones with AI. I wrote there quick and short answers (since I imagined that was the purpose when I saw those single line fields), but without any doubt we could put huge texts with suggestions on how to use AI in Stack Overflow for instance (I'm not saying you should accept any suggestions, but since you asked...).

  • Yes, that is slightly inconvenient. But a huge wall of text is not verboten. They can probably cope (if they are really interested). A workaround may be to insert a number of (literal) PARAGRAPH_BREAK (or similar). Commented May 12, 2023 at 16:05
  • They could either make simpler questions (be more objective), or leave space for a complete answer, in my opinion. Commented May 15, 2023 at 12:07

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