I'm using Stack Overflow Trends to track the popularity of several tags. In particular, I'm very interested in monitoring the tag. Currently, this chart is as follows:

Enter image description here


As you can see, there is an abrupt fall to 0 during the last months. But this is not true. There are still a lot of Stack Overflow questions that use the tag .

I suspect the cause is that, nowadays, the tag is a synonym of :


This way, the evolution of the tag has experienced a peak during the last month:

Enter image description here


I would like this "issue" to be fixed somehow. For that, I have two requests:

  1. I would like to see the first chart (the one using the tag ) displaying the data that the second char (the one using the tag ) has stolen.
  2. I think that two tags, , and , should be possible. Selenium is the umbrella project (i.e., a set of tools for browser automation). Selenium WebDriver (which is the heart of the project, that's true) is the library for driving browsers programmatically.
  • it looks like that synonym got suggested by a user and then got 5 votes to get it in place. What tools / question would benefit from having only the selenium tag and not the selenium-webdriver tag? Looking at the tag list I see a lot of the tools covered so I guess all SMEs will still find the questions they want to answer. I'm not opposed to having the umbrella but if it is of little value except for Insight issues I would think the synonym is fine.
    – rene
    Commented Apr 20, 2023 at 10:02
  • 6
    Maybe the synonym is fine. But what is wrong, IMO, is the fact that StackOverflow Trends stop tracking a tag because it is a synonym of another. Perhaps this is a bug in the way in which StackOverflow Trends counts. Commented Apr 20, 2023 at 10:09


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