I'm using Stack Overflow Trends to track the popularity of several tags. In particular, I'm very interested in monitoring the selenium tag. Currently, this chart is as follows:
As you can see, there is an abrupt fall to 0 during the last months. But this is not true. There are still a lot of Stack Overflow questions that use the tag selenium.
I suspect the cause is that, nowadays, the tag selenium is a synonym of selenium-webdriver:
This way, the evolution of the selenium-webdriver tag has experienced a peak during the last month:
I would like this "issue" to be fixed somehow. For that, I have two requests:
- I would like to see the first chart (the one using the tag selenium) displaying the data that the second char (the one using the tag selenium-webdriver) has stolen.
- I think that two tags, selenium, and selenium-webdriver, should be possible. Selenium is the umbrella project (i.e., a set of tools for browser automation). Selenium WebDriver (which is the heart of the project, that's true) is the library for driving browsers programmatically.