I have been asking questions on Stack Overflow for over 10 years. I can summarize my experience like this:
- My top ranked questions are easy things you can easily look up on documentation sites, like "RegExp.escape for JS" or "How to install dev dependencies with npm", type stuff. I get points for these several times a week for years.
- My most pressing and important personal questions are either complex algorithm questions which I can barely attempt to solve, or deep in the weeds debugging on some production complex piece of an application's logic.
I have many other types of questions as well.
But the past few years I have been receiving downvotes for almost every one of my "tough algorithm questions" or "complex logic debugging questions", without any comments; people are just generally rude. If I were Stack Overflow, I would want to know that the community really is making people like me feel bad in the stomach, like there is so much hate in the world. Most people respond harshly and negatively, with downvotes and votes to close almost instantly and without any support or helpful discussion.
Can this sort of behavior be changed, or is it too late for the Stack Overflow community?
I almost at this point can't ask any important questions on the site. People tear me this way and that on how to ask "better questions" in rude ways, yet one person says this, and the other person says the opposite. I can't please all sides; it's impossible. And trying to work nicely together with rude teammates just makes things not that fun to deal with anymore. Is it just me, or can something be done here about this? There are too many examples of this to flag each one, but it happens several times each day.
It is extremely rare (happened only 2 or 3 times probably in my 10+ years here) where people are actually nice and helpful and trying to work with me to get my question answered. I would like to see more of that, but I don't know where to begin in getting there, hence this post as a sort of "retro" thought. Action item: be nice to people pouring their heart out into their questions, trying to learn and solve important problems in their life. Help them get their question answered, even if you personally think it's too hard of a problem for your wheelhouse. It doesn't mean you have to silently downvote it. That sort of stuff.
My "top question", which everyone finds so useful, would probably get shut down in an instant if asked today. I think it's funny what people really find valuable, and what the SO community at large finds valuable (and how it is a constantly changing target, despite the attempts at standardizing community rules).