For me it's not that it moves the answer box, it's that it's a large amount of visually-distracting stuff in a large font and with highlighted URLs, front-and-centre where I'm used to looking for comments (and existing answers). I use the dark theme, in case that matters. Hmm, am I imagining things or did the fonts (especially for the links) just get smaller in the past minute?
Maybe something my brain can learn to visually ignore, but I'd much rather have the option of putting it back on the side. (@Fastnlight commented with that suggestion of an option to control where it goes, although I suspect that the SE devs would rather not maintain and test 2 versions of the layout.)
Also, the relatedness of the Related Questions list would need to go up a huge amount before it makes any sense to give them any more prominence than they have in the sidebar. Usually it's "some random popular questions with some overlap in tags"; only occasionally is one actually related. It does happen, though. So the default should be at the side.
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even remotely related to compiling a source file on Alpine Linux. Seems to me that the heading "Related questions" would be more informative if it was changed to "Completely irrelevant questions"