If you read through this post (link to picture for < 10k)), there is a new contributor who has asked a question about reversing a string in Java. He was new to the site and someone provided an answer, but then the answer got downvoted and the stated reasons for downvoting were
We don't do other people's homework, it's cheating them out of an education.
My question is:
a) How did the guy who commented figure out it was a homework question? It could well be just the OP is doing his own self-guided venture into the Java programming language.
b) Most probably the guys who say they can't do other people's homework, do contract assignment, help sites, and get paid to do hard programming assignments for students. There are very many programmers here on SO who get paid to do other people's homework.
So why would anyone think that helping someone beat a homework assignment is cheating out of education? They could learn through the help.