You could leverage a PIVOT query to spot some relationships. This query does that:
select [tag row], [python], [pandas], [sql], [c++], [java], [javascript]
from (
select ptr.postid, trow.tagname [tag row], tcol.tagname [tag col]
from posttags ptr
inner join tags trow
on = ptr.tagid
inner join posttags ptc
on ptr.postid = ptc.postid
inner join tags tcol on = ptc.tagid
) data
pivot (
for [tag col] in ([python], [pandas], [sql], [c++], [java], [javascript])
) pvt
order by 4 desc
An alternative might be looking at which tags go together on questions. Here is the query for # of questions with the same 5 tags
select t1.tagname
, t2.tagname
, t3.tagname
, t4.tagname
, t5.tagname
, count(*) [post_cnt]
from (
select postid
, [1] [tag1]
, [2] [tag2]
, [3] [tag3]
, [4] [tag4]
, [5] [tag5]
, [6]
, [7]
from (
select postid
, tagid
, row_number() over (partition by postid order by tagid) [pos]
from posttags pm
) data
pivot (
for [pos] in ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7])
) pvt
) tagpos
inner join tags t1 on = tag1
inner join tags t2 on = tag2
inner join tags t3 on = tag3
inner join tags t4 on = tag4
inner join tags t5 on = tag5
where [tag1] is not null
and [tag2] is not null
and [tag3] is not null
and [tag4] is not null
and [tag5] is not null
group by t1.tagname
, t2.tagname
, t3.tagname
, t4.tagname
, t5.tagname
, [6], [7]
order by count(*) desc
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