
I wrote this answer with a solution to my own question. But after a while it was deleted by a moderator. The reason was that there was a mistake in my answer which could've been easily corrected.

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1 Answer 1


The reason was that there was a mistake in my answer which could've been easily corrected.

No, that was not the reason the answer was deleted. The answer was deleted because someone flagged it as "not an answer", and the moderator who handled the flag agreed that what you had posted did not meet our standards for an answer.

Possibly, the moderator read this phrase at the bottom of your answer:

But, I still have no idea why it was happening.

and thought that you were not providing a solution to the problem, only adding additional information (which should be added by editing the question, not by posting an answer) or perhaps attempting to ask a clarification question.

I would consider undeleting the answer (since I'm not sure that the "not an answer" flag was valid), but, at this point, I don't see a compelling reason to do so, given that, as someone pointed out in a comment and you yourself admit, the answer was not correct, and other correct answers have now been posted.

Again, to emphasize: moderators don't delete answers because they are incorrect or contain mistakes. That's not why this answer was originally deleted. It's only why I'm not undeleting it now, even though the original deletion may well have been in error.

  • Actually, the answer does provide the solution and the same solution has been suggested by the other answer which you said are correct. The only reason for my statement "But, I still have no idea why it was happening.", was because I was unable to determine the reason why that specific line of code caused a problem. But, I understand that I should've been more clear in my answer. Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 8:20
  • Where could we see the deleted answer. I think I reviewed this post too
    – MichaelMao
    Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 8:55
  • 1
    @MichaelMao The answer in question is linked to in the question here, and a screenshot is even included for those who cannot see deleted posts. The answer went through the Low Quality Answers review queue, but the actual review task had no actions taken before it was deleted by a moderator. I see no evidence that you reviewed it, but it's certainly possible you Skipped it (I didn't spend enough time looking to go through your skips).
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 9:09
  • Maybe I skip it but I do see this post. Anyway. I just want to review what my reviewing is ok or not
    – MichaelMao
    Commented Dec 27, 2022 at 9:13

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