
I would like to verify my Stack Overflow profile from my Mastodon profile. I can achieve this by replacing my website URL with my Mastodon URL, but this would mean that my website would not be directly linked to from my Stack Overflow profile.

Would it be possible to allow linking to a Mastodon profile, the same way you can link to your Twitter profile?


1 Answer 1


Would it be possible to allow linking to a Mastodon profile?

You can do this.

Edit your profile "About me" and add the link there. This allowed my to verify my Mastodon profile.


enter image description here

  • Afaik, mastodon requires rel="me" on the link to verify an account. This is not possible with the About Me section, because SO does not allow setting rel. It is only possible if you put the mastodon url as your Website link. Apr 3, 2023 at 15:39
  • 1
    @TorgeRosendahl I added a link with no rel=me and it still worked. Apr 3, 2023 at 16:12

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