I question how useful negative reputation is for meeting the needs of people using Stack Overflow and also for Stack Overflow meeting its objectives.
I understand that negative reputation can be a useful way to communicate to a user that they have fallen short of a standard that would be good for them and for Stack Overflow to reach. However, I think it is possible that awarding positive reputation alone, or of course not awarding it, might be as effective at achieving this.
I think it is worth considering the possible downsides of negative reputation for individuals and for Stack Overflow. It is likely that negative reputation drives many unhelpful interactions between users which do not contribute to the quality of the site.
I personally feel I have been motivated to try and meet the standards Stack Overflow tries to encourage more by the positive reputation I have received when I have got things right (for example formatting a question properly) than by the negative reputation I have received when I got it wrong. Negativity, especially when not accompanied by an explanation, is undermining for many people.
I would have thought that data could be brought to bear on this question by people with an interest in psychology although I am unaware of any. I also feel that in a world where good mental health is not guaranteed it might be sensible to try and promote a kinder model.
I would be interested in your perspectives and of course your up and down votes.
I thought the following question was quite interesting in relation to this: Ideas for proposals to help Stack Overflow create a more positive community?