I've found two pools of users whose profiles are probably machine generated. Their creation dates spike near certain days. The users don't seem to have done anything (no posts, no comments, last access date is the same as creation date, etc.), so there isn't much "active" harm being done, but...
This seems like a strange thing to allow to happen here.
Note: In 2018, accounts that had existed for over two years without doing anything* got deleted, and prior to that, automatic deletion used to be done routinely. The users I found probably meet the criteria for deletion. If there's a future batch deletion, any profiles here which meet the criteria will probably get deleted.
Data about the users can be found in this group of SEDE Queries. It shows all the profiles, and graphs the creation date spikes.
User Pool #1: "美女妹子能上门着叫"
Most (all?) of the users' display names contain "美女妹子能上门着叫". I can't read Chinese, but Google Translate says their username means "Beautiful girls can call at the door", which is somewhat of an eyebrow raiser and might be walking some lines with the terms of service / code of conduct.
The profiles' "About Me" sections don't seem to all have identical content, but they seem to be following a pattern:
The first part seems like an advertisement for an escort service,
then some kind of news report about the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (which I don't know anything about, but seems like a weirdly specific topic),
then some tabloid / gossipy news,
then what might be an excerpt from a book / poetry.
User Pool #2: "服务真在妹子真找一晚上电话多少"
Google Translate: "service is really in the girl really looking for a night how many calls"
The "About Me" content follows a similar pattern to the previous one, but instead of the RCEP, it has "AsianInvent2020".
Stack Overflow's Acceptable Use Policy
Spam. Users that do not publish meaningful content, use deceptive means to generate revenue or traffic, or whose primary purpose is affiliate marketing, will be suspended.
Mass Registration and Automation. Accounts that are registered automatically or systematically will be removed and access will be permanently suspended.
Sexually Explicit Material. Accounts that use Stack Exchange to post sexually explicit or pornographic material, or links to it, will be suspended.
If you don't think the above two pools count toward "sexually explicit", then how about this one, from a pool of 461?
To Be Continued?
There are more. Here's a SEDE graph of spikes in created users with "。" or "," in their profiles' About Me sections.
A different heuristic I found recently was to search by Avatar Url. Lots of these groups of yucky profiles have the same gravatar within the group (maybe they're using the same emails and somehow got a same hash-salt value?). I discovered this by modifying a query rene made in a comment to an MSE post (Why do so many users have no hash value for their identicon, resulting in the default identicon being used for each of them?). Here's the modified SEDE query based on the one rene made: https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/revision/1702306/2070941/. Update: that probably no longer works now (see "We're regenerating all identicons"). But I've found another pretty good way: by finding accounts with the same website URL (here's a SEDE query).
) and maybe 25 rep to change their bio.