Here's some tags with this problem that I know of, namely regex, linq, sql, xml, xslt and a couple more. The problem in my own words: these tags have a handful of very prolific and enthusiast answerers who answer about anything that comes across.
These users are human code generators that aren't interested in helping build a sustainable community. All of those tags are one or two departing users away from becoming a graveyard full of unanswered questions. Those users are barely ever explaining things, they're just sitting with their LinqPad/Regex101/XMLSpy open, pasting any question they see and shaking an answer out within minutes.
Stack Overflow used to have a closevote that said "you don't appear to know what you're doing, go study some more". Ever since that vote option was removed, people have been saying that we don't close questions for lack of effort anymore. Yet the first link in the help center still goes to How much research effort is expected of Stack Overflow users?:
A lot. Asking a question on Stack Overflow should be the last step in your process for finding an answer — if the information that you need already exists, then you should be able to find it before asking.
You know what those answer-spewing users are doing? They're making earlier answers unfindable, and they're reinforcing the culture that it's okay to ask anything, no effort shown whatsoever. Besides that, we already don't have enough users to vet all answers as they're being posted, the last thing Stack Overflow needs is more unverified, copy-pasteable answers *. Often when I point out that a solution is not reusable or misses an edge case, the answer is "but that's not what OP asked". Oh, so you want to change the same pattern a hundred times for a hundred askers? Or do you want to write good code and explain how the user can tweak it?
For those voters, I'd say keep fighting the system and keep down- and closevoting however you like. For the answerers: either support your answer with enough explanation and links so that it can serve as a canonical duplicate answer for future, comparable questions, or go find one to use as a duplicate target instead of typing a new one because one variable name or one letter is different. For the rest of us: go add those tags to your ignore list and pretend they don't exist.
*: anecdote time: for the last year, I've made a sidestep from my regular dotnetting, and went back to the dark side for a while (PHP). Holy smokes is there a lot of insecure, incorrect code out there in answers, and even those answers get copy-pasted all over the place.
. These kinds of questions are routinely deleted in other tags. The custom nature of regexes precludes making a library of regexes from Stack Overflow posts; every one of them has unique requirements. The number of upvotes doesn't matter if the post is not on-topic.