In the absence of any feedback from developers we can only guess what's going on. And, as time goes by this issue looks more and more like related to recent introduction of Saves feature.
If you think of it, it is hard to imagine any other reason why it takes so much time to do what on a surface looks like simple recovery of periodic launches of a script that has been proven to work fairly smoothly for almost 10 years now. There is probably something that makes this harder than it seems and recent introduction of Saves feature looks like truly best match to that "something".
Indeed, we can understand that auto-deletion should somehow interplay with Saves feature - specifically, deleted posts should be removed from Saves lists for users under 10K (probably along with restoring in case of undeletion). And trouble integrating this new feature looks like the most plausible explanation why developers can't fix the issue for almost two weeks.
Another piece of this puzzle can be obtained comparing how things work at smaller sites. Thing is, at smaller sites roomba scripts seem to work as usual - this can be verified eg by running same search for closed questions with negative score and no answers.
Absence of complaints from smaller sites users additionally suggests that over there, auto-deletion interplays with Saves as expected. Now, one could naturally expect that things would work the same at Stack Overflow with the only difference being in scale and likely a big one - few orders of magnitude.
Successful running on smaller sites suggests that functionally roomba interplay with Saves works fine, which leads to next most likely reason for the issue being performance.
It is as if they couldn't figure how to properly "map" to Saves similar performance tuning that was made in the past for bookmarks which used to work fine with auto-deletions even at the scale of Stack Overflow.
...Or, as if they missed the trick that made follow-posts feature smoothly coexist with roomba without any performance tuning at all - I mean, simply keep deleted posts in followed lists (unless user manually removes them from their list).
Really, having links to deleted posts in Saves is not a big deal. People had such links in their flag history page for ages and nobody worried. People had these links in their follow-posts and there was no pain (except for initial minor inconvenience until users got an option to manually remove such links from their lists).
Saves can have links to deleted posts without messing with Roomba auto-deletion and this would be okay - just the same as it is okay to have such links in flag histories or in follow-posts lists.
Summing up, so far it looks like auto-deletion scripts are turned off at Stack Overflow because running them causes performance problems with making respective updates to Saves - either these take too much time or maybe somehow degrade site performance or something like that.
(Once again, in the absence of feedback from developers we can only guess based on what we observe.)