In the C tag wiki and C++ tag wiki we have established rules for how to deal with cross-tagging of posts with both c and c++ at once, as well as guidelines for user moderators. I was the one pushing for this some years back here: Proposed update to C and C++ tag usage wikis. And the wikis were updated after that discussion with the C and C++ communities. The main problem that we needed rules for how to address was incorrect cross-tagging of C and C++ to the same question.
Among the user moderator guidelines, this was added:
Answers with C++ code to a C question that has never been tagged c++ should be deleted as off-topic.
Similarly, I would assume that the same applies to C answers to a C++ question, where features unique to C are used - although these are probably more rare. "C style" answers that will compile on a C++ compiler are ok, as in shouldn't be deleted, but perhaps down-voted.
These kind of wrong language answers are not just wrong and confusing, they are off-topic as they do not attempt to answer the question about a certain programming language.
My question is: how do we carry out deletion of blatantly off-topic answers in practice?
The checklist/work flow for a user moderator checking such C or C++ answers would look something like:
Should I even be moderating this? As in, do I have C and/or C++ gold badges and at least 3k+ rep?
Is the answer definitely off-topic? Is it suggesting C++ only features to a C question? Or C only features to a C++ question?
Double check that the question never contained the incorrect tag at any point in its edit history. That is, if a post was never tagged C++ at any point, a C++-only answer was always off-topic. But if it was at some point (correctly or incorrectly) tagged C++, then we should let the answer be. The question may however presently have the wrong tags.
For example if originally tagged c c++, then a C++ answer was posted, then someone removed the c++ tag. That's unfortunate but then we need to rollback the C++ tag, since it's no fault of the answerer that the question used the wrong tags. Or perhaps the question was even too unclear to be answered in the first place.
If yes to all of the above, then we should delete the blatantly off-topic answer.
But how do we do the deletion in practice? If the answer has negative score, then 20k+ rep can delete it. Flagging for low quality or diamond mod doesn't seem like the right way to go, since reviewers or diamond mods may not have the necessary domain knowledge. Going to one of the SO chats (SOCVR, C or C++ chats) and hope to rally support for some down-voting posse sounds both cumbersome and questionable in general.
How do I determine the size of my array in C? has this answer. The question was never tagged C++ yet the answer only applies to C++. The score is +18 -5 = 13 currently. There is little hope of down-voting it far enough to enable delete-voting any time soon. What should be done with such answers?