I always use inline code when mentioning class, interface, and function names within my English sentences. In my opinion, this makes it better to read as it separates English words and grammar from code (that does not follow the same rules).
In order to dispose the
class, you can use thedisposeFoo
Today someone kindly told me that:
Name of interface are not "code". As code these are the constructors.
To me, interface names are code (and they are not plain English). And it looks to me to have better readability.
I would like to have a clear rule about when I should (or it is allowed/encouraged to) use inline code for interface names.
Related to:
and interfaceName, I would be wondering if the latter instances were referring to something else that would explain the change in formatting. In practically all style guides, regardless of a given specific scenario, the underlying "rule zero" is to be consistent.