This question was recently deleted. Though it's a question of low quality and not direct, the main error (the one with the StringVar
)'s reason/cause hasn't been explained properly in other posts, and there are only a few questions that even are close to this.
Can the question be undeleted and edited so that it fits my answer (or my answer fits it, however)? The title could be the error and the body a shorter (as in MRE) version of the code (the parts related to Tkinter and the error caused by trying to StringVar
in the wrong order) and the full code the OP posted after that saying that's the full code.
I forgot that I'm probably question-banned. I still don't understand why I'm still banned from asking questions.
etc.) with a common cause (root hasn't been instantiated yet) that could present in multiple ways (code out of order; code written in order in separate functions and thus executed out of order; instantiation missing altogether) and that these are really all the same question.