I’m using a usb camera to capture a single image using OpenCV on a raspberryPI. I need to send that image over a socket to a server over wifi to run it through a neural network and do some image processing. I need to minimize the wifi network latency. What is a method to compress the image data within python?
The reason you want to compress the image data only matters if you have a specific reason to believe that there is a specific kind of compression that would give better results in this specific situation - i.e., because you can know certain things about the data that a compression algorithm can exploit to get better results.
In this case, the source of the image is... image capture from a camera. The image could look like anything, so we get no additional information. Everything else is just saying "I want to compress the image because it will solve or mitigate other technical problems" - it is redundant. So the question is really:
What is a method to compress the image data within python?
Or more succinctly put,
How can I compress an image in Python?
This is clearly far too broad. First off, yes, generally one would use a library for this task - compression algorithms are a lot of work and you really don't want to try to write one by hand; they also involve a lot of theory.
Of course, you didn't ask for a library, and might reasonably not have expected to need or want one. But the task is too broad - the existence of those libraries demonstrates it. A single sentence query offers countless approaches to the task (compression algorithms), each of which expands into a huge volume of code, backed by considerable theoretical understanding (information theory).
(Edit: Your title reads "Python library to compress image data size?", and has been the same the whole time. That is pretty clearly asking for a library.)
On top of that, the actual requirements are not clear. Many compression algorithms - especially for images, video, audio and other media - are "lossy": the reconstructed output cannot reproduce the original exactly, but is similar enough to pass a superficial human examination. Before using compression, you have to decide whether this is acceptable, and the extent to which it is acceptable. Similarly, "within Python" is not really that well specified. One possible approach to the problem is to find an image editor that has a command-line interface, and then use os.system
or other such tools to launch that other program, and have it apply and save the changes.
Finally, you are expected to look for solutions before posting. It is as simple as putting something like python compress image
into a search engine.
It has also been pointed out to me that this isn't the first attempt to ask the same question. The changes from your first attempt are not substantive, and don't demonstrate the sort of research I mentioned.
If you want to use a library, it is your responsibility to look for one, figure out its basic use, and then perhaps ask a specific question if/when you run into problems with actual code trying to use it.
If you want to get an already-compressed image from the webcam, it is your responsibility to check the documentation for the interface to the webcam, first.