There are many different aspects that go into a good Stack Overflow question. Tagging correctly, making the question clear, showing effort, making it a non-duplicate, etc. At the same time, there are many aspects that go into a good Stack Overflow answer and comment. Obviously it needs to be correct, but according to the site's official guidelines the response needs to be polite and respectful even when the question is improper for whatever reason. Yet looking around Stack Overflow, the treatment a bad question receives is light-years worse than the treatment an answer with a lack of proper etiquette receives.
As someone who's relatively new to programming, I've used SO as a reference many times, and the system that's set up is great - it's guidance to help the user figure the answer out for himself. But I can say first-hand that it's not a pleasant feeling to ask a question that was thought-out and carefully constructed, or at least I thought so, only to check 2 minutes later to see a bunch of downvotes and snarky comments telling me my question is bad.
Yes, there should be some sort of explanation about why a post was bad -- and if there are no comments to that effect but there are 5 downvotes anyway that's even worse, and that happens too! -- but for people entering the computer science field to get that kind of reaction doesn't exactly encourage them to pursue this career path, even if they really are cut out for it.
So bottom line, why the double standard for question guidelines and for comment/answer etiquette guidelines, and why is it tolerated to allow so many snarky comments leak into questions without consequence, when the consequences of allowing these comments could be catastrophic?
To be clear, I'm not referencing any of my own posts, just giving an example.