tl;dr: There's a seemingly missing Python canonical that's a natural pair for an extremely popular canonical. The corresponding search terms turn up garbage questions; the most popular results (still not that popular) are actually misleading and unrelated. I'd be happy to get a canonical started, but what can we do about the existing junk, that would still be prioritized by search engines and the site search?
Today I wanted to dupe-hammer a simple question about writing a list of strings to a file in Python, a line at a time. That seems like a pretty straightforward task (assuming we don't have to care about whether the strings contain newlines), and when I opened up the close box, front and center it offered me an extremely solid canonical dupe link...
... for the opposite problem, of reading a file into a list, line by line. Sigh. I tried putting a variety of things into the site search, then eventually decided I'd have to consult an external search engine. However, the situation still didn't improve.
A search like python read list from file
gives me an already good result first, which in turn links to the well established canonical, ranking among the site's most important questions.
However, a search for python write list to file
gets me complete garbage. It's full of results that are either doing something more complex (either the list doesn't contain strings, or it's a list of lists that's actually intended to represent a CSV file) or are really about something else (e.g. there's working code for the actual writing process, but OP doesn't understand file modes).
When I finally got to something with even double-digit upvotes, it was How to write a list to a file with newlines in Python3, which is completely useless as a canonical, to put it mildly. It's actually a stealth request for debugging - OP has either a typo or a misconception in the use of *args
for the function, and also is using .close
improperly. The latter issue could probably be dealt with in editing, but the first totally warped the answers that were given. Not to mention, the underlying issue is confusing because there is no MRE - i.e., OP tried some code, but doesn't explain how it was called.
Somehow, that got a +51 score and over 100k views. At least that proves there's demand for the canonical, I guess.
Then there's the question linked from there, which is less popular. It has more complex setup code than needed, and also isn't actually about the task described - there isn't actually a pre-existing list being written; and the question isn't actually about how to write the data, but simply about getting the newlines in place. The answers are mostly written for 2.x syntax and/or deprecated string formatting (even though the question shouldn't really be about string formatting), and the one answer that mentions .writelines
(very important for such a canonical) tries to solve the entire motivating problem with clever techniques rather than focusing on the question.
Something like How to write list output to a text file in Python is actually a reasonable attempt at asking the question; but because OP's attempt had a simple logical error, the question was interpreted as purely a debugging question rather than reference.
All of this came up because I wanted a dupe target for Add a new line after each new file name in python. Ironically it's actually better than a lot of what I'm finding.
I would love to try to fix this. I'm perfectly capable of writing a good question for the topic, and writing out multiple approaches to the problem, explaining what context needs to be considered (do the strings already have trailing newlines?) etc. But that still leaves a mess of other questions that will be found by search engines.
What can be done? In other cases I wouldn't feel bad about wielding the dupe-hammer, but a lot of these questions aren't duplicates - they have bad titles, and in a lot of cases should have been closed the first time around for other reasons (unclear or too broad).
See also: How best to canonicalize all the "Python write list(/variable/data structure) to file"-type questions?. It seems we've been around the block before for this kind of issue - but a lot of those questions aren't the same issue here, since OP will be trying to write something other than a list, and might be trying to write more than one value rather than having a single list representing the desired contents.
etc. I had hoped for something at a more introductory level.