I'm curious to know what happened with my curious
I've received a "Congratulations!":
But once clicked on "Learn more", I read "F. Hauri ... did not earn this badge.":
Because of my curiosity: Poll every minutes, waiting for...
Runing this loop:
while [[ $(sed -ne '
/class="user-details/,/^<\/div/{ /^<\/div/{ N;s/^.*>//g;p; } }
' < <(
wget -qO - 'https://stackoverflow.com/help/badges/4127/curious?userid=1765658'
)) == 'did not earn this badge.'* ]];do sleep 60
done;echo $((EPOCHSECONDS-1656662040))
(I've received congratulation @1656662040
The answer was: 27132
. Something like 7 hours and 32 minutes later!!