I noticed that all questions under the oceanbase tag and almost all answers are probably fake:
- Almost all are extremely vague and short, except for a couple that seem to contain just a bit of script, but still make no sense
- All were posted in May 2022, in fact most were posted in May 27-30.
- Almost all of the answers are low-quality generic answers linking to the vendor's documentation landing page.
- The linked pages are in Chinese and don't even seem to be relevant to the questions.
- Others are feature lists
- All asker and answerer accounts were created on the same day the questions were asked.
And the funniest thing, one of the "accounts" goes from asking about Paxos usage one day to not knowing what partitioning is for 6 days later.
questions and answers already. Started from a fishy answer but quickly realized there was a patternfraud-detection
tag to the question? In fact, identifying such accounts and transactions is probably one of the easi(er) fraud detection algorithms. It's weird talking about fraud in a Q&A site thoughstatus-completed
tag now.