We seem to be getting absolutely inundated with low-quality questions about this topic. Most lack both a clear description of the problem and relevant code.
Here are some examples:
- how do I update quantity in mongo and UI?
- How can i increase the value of quantity of Item in MongoDB with Nodejs?
- How I can Quantity decrease in mongodb?
- How to make a react mongodb quantity incriease and discrease?
- How to reduce product quantity by 1 from mongodb using node.js
- show quantity Sold Out if quantity is zero By MongoDB Database
- How can decrease quantity to react from MongoDb
- How to update quantity in mongodb data?
- MongoDB cannot update value?
- How can I increase quantity by clicking that delivered button in react.js and also add it at MongoDB?
- how to increase and decrease in mongodb with onclick?
- How can i update the UI while update collection property from server api? (clear problem statement, but no MRE)
- Update one property in MongoDB and update UI without refresh the page (this is the clearest one yet!)
- How to update product quantity in MongoDB with node?
- How can i update qty quantity in mongodb database?
- How can I use Mongo DB's database to subtract and add a quantity from an item using the put method from a button? (one of the clearest ones; still has formatting issues and no clear problem statement, though)
Similar but not specifically about changing product quantity:
Also maybe related, but express.js instead:
...etc. I got bored of looking. This is just the last 3-4 days of them.
It seems like there's some sort of class or project that these people are doing, and I'm guessing they've been told to ask questions on Stack Overflow.
My questions, for your consideration:
- Does anyone know the source of these?
- Do we have any suitable duplicates explaining, generally, how to do this task?
- Any ideas on how to handle this and/or make it stop?