Should Stack Overflow block access from Russian IP addresses?
Or at least show some kind of a click-through about the war and condemnation of Russian government before allowing access.
Should Stack Overflow block access from Russian IP addresses?
Or at least show some kind of a click-through about the war and condemnation of Russian government before allowing access.
No. I think we need to distinguish between Stack Overflow and the community. There is no reason to self-punish the community as long as we can't say that the specific user had a negative impact on this conflict (in this situation SO should punish this specific user if the SO was used by this user in this conflict context).
However, if you are asking as well about if SO should do something, then yes, I think as long as SO can't be sure that their businees had negative impact on this conflict, they should at least show that they are aware of the situation and perhaps even propose something specific what they could do.
We are all here well aware that the code published in SO could be used in the agressive context in this war. But that's only the one side - it is rather the matter of "being morally aware of this" then "being morally obligated to do something".
On the other side we need to remember that SO perhaps (as there wasn't any official statement about this) keeps continue business as usual, I mean they are making money because of ads or jobs with the organization in the Russian territory. SO helps them grow, these organizations pays taxes and now the money from taxes is used in this war. A lot of companies decided to stop trading with Russia because of this.
However, if this sound too controversial (and I could agree), we can imagine another proposition: SO can do something using the money they receives from organization from Russian territory (the money which left for SO after they pay employees etc.). I think this is what should they do.