Earlier today I was searching for a piece of technology that I knew existed, and my search turned up 3 SO questions asking for the same thing I was looking for, and none of them had the answer. (Each had an existing answer that was an indirect way to accomplish the asker's goal, not exactly what the asker wanted.) When I finally found the project I was looking for, I went back and answered those three SO questions with a link to the product in question, to help the original askers.
An hour or so later, a moderator had deleted all my answers, stating, "Please don't post duplicate answers. If the questions are the same, pick the best one to answer fully on site and then flag the other(s) as duplicates. If they're not the same, then tailor your answer to the specifics of each question."
I have read the page linked to in the moderator's comment, and I now see what I should have done. But my question instead is: What do I do now? It's not the case that all but one of my answers were deleted; all were deleted. So now none of the 3 original questions has the answer that I think is actually the most helpful answer (which is why I posted it).
There does not seem to be an option for asking the moderator to reverse their action, or even any way to communicate with the moderator at all.