There are 3 possible outcomes for the flag itself (helpful, declined, disputed) and two outcomes for the post (deleted or kept).
- reviewers in the corresponding review queue agreed the post should be deleted
- a reviewer chose to "Edit" the post from within review queue
- a moderator deleted the post which automatically marked any pending NAA flags as helpful
- a moderator marked the flag as helpful because the post was NAA at the time of flagging, but chose to keep the post due to some edits which made the post no longer NAA.
- reviewers in the corresponding queue agreed the post "Looks Okay"
- a moderator decided the flag was not cast correctly according to NAA rules and chose to decline it. Note that post still can be deleted for other reasons.
- a moderator did not notice the post was significantly updated (so it no longer deserves deletion) and declined the flag. The mod may also have disagreed with it being NAA in the first place.
See Zoe's answer for the unfortunate details of the moderator UI which make it difficult to tell when a post has been edited since being flagged.
See Not an answer flag was disputed but it should not for exact case when flag can be disputed.