It is possible to submit a revision for review BEFORE that post could again be closed and negative reputation applied?
To go into more detail, I posted a software-related question to Stack Overflow not long before making this post but that post was closed. Another user began communicating with me for a few minutes using the "add comments" section to clarify the reasons. I have a revision prepared that hopefully will meet the requirements we discussed, but I do not know how to submit my changes to that user so that I can verify that my new post will meet the requirements we discussed. Is it possible to do this?
The complication is with the reputation system on this site, specifically that I was given negative reputation "points" for reasons I do not understand given that I was more than happy to revise the question to fit the requirements.
Can you please tell me how I can submit my revised post for review without risking the problem with having it closed again and having problems with this reputation points system?
To clarify the context of my above questions, I have used this site off and on over the course of several years and have NEVER had a problem like this one before. This site has always been very professional with very polite, knowledgeable, and helpful people, so I am quite disturbed by being docked "reputation points" due to posting-related technicalities. I am more than willing to make any revision to my posts to conform to the standards (even though I strongly disagree with some of those standards). I am interested in asking a serious development question and have no interest whatsoever in having the finer points of a reputation system get in the way of doing so.