
TL;DR – On March 31, 2022, we will discontinue Stack Overflow Jobs and Developer Story. This includes all job listings, saved searches, applications, messages, recommended job matches, job ads, developer story, saved resumes, and the salary calculator.

Back in April 2021, Prashanth posted an update on the transformation of our company and he provided a high-level overview of the changes planned for our Talent business:

We are realigning the Talent business to focus more on customer employer branding and company awareness needs, and moving away from job slots and direct hiring. This will tie the product closer to what we offer through Stack Overflow Advertising [...]

Some of you wondered what practical changes this shift in strategy would bring about. In the months that followed, we realigned our internal teams and mapped out the plan to transform our Talent & Advertising businesses.


Before going into specific changes, I want to take a moment to talk about why we decided to transform these businesses and products. As we considered the next stage of growth for us as a company, we went back to product fundamentals and asked ourselves: how can we leverage our unique position to solve real, meaningful problems for our users and customers?

While Talent & Jobs helped us get to where we are over the past decade, the talent acquisition space is not one where we have a strong competitive advantage. Developers, as you all know, don’t have a hard time finding job opportunities. The problem is often finding the right opportunity and job boards and sourcing are ineffective solutions. The effort it would take us to truly differentiate in this space is not one we could justify.

Exiting this space allows us to refocus on products that build on our core strengths: knowledge reuse and building communities at scale.

What changes are we making?

The following features will be discontinued and removed from the site by March 31, 2022:

  • Jobs – including job search, saved searches, applications, messages, recommended job matches, and job ads
  • Developer Story and any saved resumes
  • Salary Calculator
  • All emails, settings, and data associated with these features
  • All employer-facing features related to Jobs and Developer Story

What can you expect in the coming months?

  • Late January 2022 – users will no longer be able to create new Developer Stories
  • February 2022 – users will start to see banners and notices on all deprecated features
  • February 2022 – the Salary calculator will no longer be available
  • Early March 2022 – users will be able to easily export all their data related to Jobs & Developer Story
  • March 31, 2022 – all remaining discontinued features will be removed from the site

What are we continuing to support?

The Advertising components of our Talent offering, specifically focused on Employer Branding.

Developers and technologists often want to learn about companies as they begin to evaluate opportunities in order to understand things like the company culture, the work/life balance, the social and environmental policies, the tech stack, and the learning and development opportunities companies offer. This is collectively referred to as “Employer Branding.”

Academy to Innovate HR (AIHR) provides a more detailed explanation of employer branding and how companies think of it as part of their talent strategy. Companies can continue to use Stack Overflow’s Employer Branding solutions to promote their employer brand through company pages and other types of advertising.

Jobs & Talent have been a part of Stack Overflow in some form for almost 12 years and have played a critical role in getting us to this stage as a company. In fact, it was also the first product I worked on when I joined Stack Overflow 5 years ago as a Product Manager. To those of you who have used Jobs or created a Developer Story, on behalf of everyone who has worked on Jobs & Talent over the years, I’d like to thank you for trusting us to be a part of your job search process.

The decision to sunset these products wasn’t a simple one and we understand that this may have an impact on your job search process. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know by posting them as answers to this question.

  • 1323
    I really like the Joel Test and the overall layout of SO Jobs. IMO it'll be sad to see it go. Commented Jan 13, 2022 at 18:15
  • 1083
    I'm sad to see SO Jobs go. It was one of my favorite places to search and apply to jobs. The application experience felt more consistent between jobs than other sites.
    – Stevoisiak
    Commented Jan 13, 2022 at 18:35
  • 460
    I'm really sad to see the salary calculator go. It was a good way of verifying (along with other sources like glassdoor) that I really was being underpaid in one case, and helped me understand what salary to expect when moving to a new city in another. I suggest it to coworkers all the time. Commented Jan 13, 2022 at 20:15
  • 625
    This outright sucks! I got a job from my SO resume. And it's cool to send a link to my resume that is interactive with SO when applying for a job. Plus with jobs posted to SO, you had less chance of it being recruiter spam.
    – mxmissile
    Commented Jan 13, 2022 at 21:22
  • 444
    I'm really disappointed in this. I've always found SO much better than other job sites for finding quality positions.
    – TrueWill
    Commented Jan 13, 2022 at 23:49
  • 208
    It's one thing to remove SO jobs, but why remove the salary calculator?
    – jhpratt
    Commented Jan 14, 2022 at 2:14
  • 552
    I don't use a resume/CV any more, I send people my SO Dev story! You're not asking, you're telling me you will cut off my left arm... Thats what this feels like anyway. While I understand removing the jobs side of things, Dev story adds value to our SO account by giving us a space to publicly broadcast our endeavours, Dev Story increases long term SO user retention. If users move their personal career profile to another platform they will spend less time on SO and then less time in review and other mod queues. Commented Jan 14, 2022 at 3:50
  • 166
    I have no idea what "employer branding" is about. Can you be more specific please what "company pages and other types of advertising" refers to? Is a "company page" the company description part of jobs, just now without position offerings?
    – Bergi
    Commented Jan 14, 2022 at 7:31
  • 120
    Feature request: can we now finally get rid of the cringe-worthy site title: "Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share & Build Careers"? How about "where developers compile, link & build binaries" :)
    – Lundin
    Commented Jan 14, 2022 at 11:14
  • 66
    Does this mean the Pluralsight IQ Skill integration will go as well?
    – user692942
    Commented Jan 14, 2022 at 12:04
  • 246
    As someone who recently found a job through SO Jobs the SO Jobs was light years ahead of many other places, although I believe it could certainly have used a few improvements it's really sad to see it go. I loved that I could filter and find jobs that are actually relevant to me without having to sift through 35345 other job postings that just happened to contain a keyword or something like many other jobs websites do, I'm really disappointed in this.
    – maxshuty
    Commented Jan 14, 2022 at 14:16
  • 151
    Agreed, @ChrisSchaller! It's one thing to remove Jobs, but why remove the Developer Story? I like keeping all my developer projects in the Story, and it will definitely be nice later on when I'm applying for jobs. I guess I'll have to export it and put it somewhere else (sigh)... am I the only one, or does it seem like everything changes for the worse these days? Maybe I'm just pessimistic.... Commented Jan 14, 2022 at 22:26
  • 278
    Yet another case of destroying something that works and helped many people, and converting it to a useless feature. Good job! keep it going Commented Jan 16, 2022 at 11:13
  • 133
    I feel a certain prestige by having my developer story on SO. It conveys a sense of accomplishment in a way that a resume or a portfolio on a site that's non-industry specific does not (i.e., "Top 5% in <topic>"). It's also worth noting that I'm here commenting because today I went to SO jobs to browse through jobs.
    – Seth
    Commented Jan 18, 2022 at 22:32
  • 204
    This is a rare miss for stack overflow. One of the reasons that I spend time answering questions is because employers can see that I am in the top x% on a certain technology on my developer profile. Please reconsider this change! Commented Jan 19, 2022 at 0:11

111 Answers 111


Having opened Stack Overflow to check and answer on some question, a banner caught my attention and for a second I felt excited for it thinking that it was for a new feature release... poor me, it was totally the opposite and it showed up to be a deprecation note for a feature I loved so much!

The Developer Story and Job Search were more than features, but more of a unified space that helped me keeping hope to see a more natural and human friendly space where developers can come to find their next big thing.

Money has always and will always be the reason behind despair...


The reason many people object to sunsetting the stackoverflow jobs:

Most people who read this thread are those people who clicked a job link and then found the notice that the SO jobs will be discontinued. Instinctively, they tend to criticize this.

The SO jobs are obviously inconsistent with the mission of SO as a Q&A knowledge sharing website.

  • 2
    If you open SO's front page without being logged in, you'll see that it sees itself as more than just a sole "Q&A" website. For example, the site's title: Stack Overflow - Where Developers Learn, Share, & Build Careers. I think SO Jobs fit in there pretty well.
    – phil294
    Commented Mar 13, 2022 at 15:12

Currently, Jobs take huge part of the right sidebar in its advertisements:

sidebar with Jobs ad

What will you put there instead?

  • 2
    Probably the bit of the jobs product that remains, advertising.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Mar 1, 2022 at 22:24

For those wanting to save their story we have created a solution for you. filenewjob.com is now live and you can import your story into it. FileNewJob will be a job board similar to what you've used before but with some changes and improvements to what is/was available here and elsewhere.

It's an idea we were kicking around for a while and following this announcement by Stack we thought we'd better get on with it. So, until the end of March, when you create an account on FileNewJob you will have the option to enter the URL for your public SO story; we'll import that and convert it to a FileNewJob journey which you can then add and amend as you want.

Don't worry that some of the features aren't all available yet, they are coming, we just wanted to give you all as much time as possible to #SaveYourStory.


I created devstory.fyi with an import feature that will allow you to migrate and continue managing your story.

You can import and fully manage your story. You can share (if you want) a public url. You can also download your data in JSON resume format without creating an account. See steps outlined in this answer.

  • Hi! Interesting idea! How about you open a separate meta question about this, and maybe we can get a mod to [featured] it, drawing more users' attention to it, as the dev story closing is drawing nigh.
    – user17242583
    Commented Mar 19, 2022 at 14:09

I realize that I’m a little late to the party but I just wanted to say that SO’s job board was the only place that I felt like developers were posting jobs for other developers. I found 3 jobs there that altered the trajectory of my career in amazing ways and I didn’t have to wade through a bunch of “cold call” emails from recruiters about “positions I’d be a great fit for” which are clearly not a great fit. I realize that sometimes things we like must be sacrificed for the greater good, but this seems like a short sighted decision made by a bunch of C Level types that makes sense on paper when it comes to the bottom line, but not when considering the community you serve. It would be wonderful to see the board come back some day, even if it was a toned down version.


Well this really, really sucks. Any chance you'll permit the community to continue running this on their own instead? I volunteer.

  • Uh, no. Don't think so.
    – user17242583
    Commented Jan 30, 2022 at 15:50
  • 4
    Heck no. I don't want some random user getting all out PII.
    – Cerbrus
    Commented Jan 31, 2022 at 8:30
  • @Cerbrus Well obviously with some sophisticated zero knowledge mechanism... Commented Jan 31, 2022 at 11:38

Developer Story will be leaving Stack Overflow

On April 01, 2022, Stack Overflow will no longer support Developer Story. You can download a copy of your existing Developer Story as a PDF if you wish to retain this information.

If that is your april fool day, it is not funny. Hope that is not a technique to see what the reactions are and say, if community is largely against it, that it was a joke.

(I suspect you guys at Prosus are able to think like that)


Found my First Job Via SO Jobs.

More often Innovative Startups would have detailed listings about a Position.

Sad to see it go


SO Jobs is the only place where you can find Job listing where Visa Requirements are clearly mentioned and you can find jobs across the whole world in one place. It is very tough to fathom that such an innovative feature will no longer be available to us.


If there are a few volunteers I will be happy to work with them to develop a new site that works exactly like SO Job and SO Developer story. We could start with SO developer story because personally I can't miss this feature! it's not possible.

  • Re "If there are a few volunteers I will be happy to work with them": Para D expressed a similar thought (near "build something yourself and open it to the world") Commented Feb 8, 2022 at 19:23
  • I like the idea! I don't know how much I can promise, but I am always up for reviewing stuff. Can you organise something? Commented Feb 11, 2022 at 14:49
  • I started working on the project. The first feature is to generate a resume quickly. Back-end and DevOps sides are almost Ok. If you're interested in contributing to the project just let me know. Actually, the help of a front-end (reactjs preferred) dev will really be welcome but you can also join if you're a developer,devOps, designer or QA.
    – kfir88
    Commented Sep 26, 2022 at 9:28

Sad to see these features go. It was useful to have a beat on the current job market while I worked on my projects. Organically using SO activity as part of a portfolio was also useful.


I am set for some time in my current role, but I can tell you in the past answers and presence on SO have helped me get attention from prospective employers and even get hired. In my mind SO + GitHub + LinkedIn are three essential pieces to develop to showcase one's talent, although the first two show quality of one's work. So having SO not directly as part of one's job experience will be a big miss for so many.


The point of differentiation to me about SO Jobs was that it was developer-focused - as is the rest of SO - rather than employer focused - like all the other job sites out there.

I understand that B2B is an easier model, and B2C is not too hard either, and I can even see that C2B is an almost impossible ask. Perhaps this policy change now indicates that it is, after all, an impossible task.

C'est la vie :-(


Is there a new feature that Stack Overflow will be pouring their resources into once the Jobs and Developer Story portions of the platform have been discontinued? I'd like to see new and significant development to enhance the question-answer forums on SO if this side of the business is going away for good.


Good decision.

Jobs for me weren't much different from LinkedIn. It is not a place where I actively look for a job, rather another venue for recruiters to find me. It's enough work to keep one job profile up to date and for me that will be LinkedIn as basically the most popular and flexible one.

I wasn't applying for a job myself in a long time. Usually I just respond to recruiters' messages when I'm interested. For me it doesn't really matter if I respond to an invite from recruiter finding me on LinkedIn or on SO.

SO should focus on its community and basic features. I don't ask questions frequently here, but when I browse new questions looking for a possibility to help or just looking for an answer myself, I can see that most of them has comments screaming at the person who posted the question to use search instead of adding a question and generally calling for a moderator.

This brings to mind old times of phpBB fora where almost every new topic met pretty much the same response screaming for a moderator as someone who doesn't have better things to do and knows literally every topic in the forum happened to see a similar question and decided to subdue a newcomer.

There is a lot to be done to make SO more newbie friendly and focusing on a job board feature for sure wasn't the way to get there.


According to OP Puneet Mulchandani, the majority of Stack Overflow company leadership and staff have concluded that,

job boards and sourcing are ineffective solutions [and] the effort it would take us to truly differentiate in this space is not one we could justify.

In fact, you have truly differentiated yourselves in this space! (I humbly suggest that job boards are rather effective solutions for discovering employment opportunities). But I do realize that there may be significant costs involved in sustaining Stack Overflow Jobs and Developer Story. You tried for over five years, and created a wonderful resource which is superior to LinkedIn, Dice, Indeed, and anything else I can think of.

I would understand if Stack Exchange wanted to get out of the talent search business entirely, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Your new Talent initiative intends to bring developer tools to developers, while engaged in answering questions on Stack Overflow. This video conveys that message pleasantly, for the most part.

As for branding... I don't know. The CEO of Stack Exchange says, emphasis mine,

We are realigning the Talent business to focus more on customer employer branding and company awareness needs, and moving away from job slots and direct hiring. This will tie the product closer to what we offer through Stack Overflow Advertising...

Curious about "Customer Employer Branding"?

I am! Staffer and moderator Puneet Mulchandani recommends a link to Academy to Innovate HR (AIHR) with whom Stack Overflow will presumably be consulting or partnering as it sunsets Stack Overflow Jobs and Developer Story. The URL in Puneet's question/announcement links to Stack Overflow Advertising Solutions, and this depiction of Prashanth's plan to focus more on customer needs.

Advertising Solutions on Stack Overflow with with Audio Bubble

The scent of Goldman Sachs

Give users and advertisers some time to adjust. I'm certain that members of our little network of SE knowledge reuse communities will benefit, as well as corporate entities such as Goldman Sachs (the latter was mentioned in the article linked to by Puneet) from AIHR's "How to Build a Successful Employer Branding Strategy for Your Business":

employer brand is “your unique scent as a company”

which informs that

to build a successful employer brand, you want to be targeting as many relevant channels as possible to communicate your message. This includes your careers page, as well as social media channels like Twitter, Instagram, or even TikTok.

Goldman Sachs will discover TikTok to be a fine source of OCaml and Haskell developers no doubt. Everyone, be they Stack Overflow teams or site users will derive value from this AIHR embedded chart!

AIHR diagram

  • 1
    "It is unfortunate that the CEO of StackExchange has concluded that" Who says the CEO came to that conclusion? For the rest, this answer is pretty much all over the place... What are you saying here?
    – Cerbrus
    Commented Feb 1, 2022 at 19:05
  • @Cerbrus You are correct. OP Puneet M. made the observation that I attributed to the CEO of StackExchange. I will correct that misattribution now. Thank you for bringing it to my attention! Commented Feb 3, 2022 at 14:26
  • 1
    A damn good diagram! Commented Feb 8, 2022 at 22:41
  • Thank you, @PeterMortensen! Your additions of inline URLs significantly improved my answer. Commented Feb 10, 2022 at 7:44

SO reached a new low. I don't understand any of the decisions that were taken lately. Could it get any worse?


The reasoning they give for shutting down SO Jobs is truly baffling and contradicting to the actual state of SO Jobs.

SO Jobs was leagues ahead of other job sites as it was, both in community and features for the SO Jobs itself. There was not a single other job hunting site where displaying a salary range was the norm. The filters for job hunting here were much more advanced than any site, like LinkedIn.

Furthermore, the community for this job hosting site was in a league of its own; where accounts could be tied with real contributions to the programming world. Who else could do that? No one. Did I mention that SO Jobs didn’t have recruiters spamming your inbox?

Putting the pieces together

So, SO Jobs was the top of its class and already had the features to run on its own. Even were they to stop development and spend minimal time on upkeep, the application would run fine more or less. Searching 'Top Programmer Job sites' would almost always reveal SO Jobs in their list. This alone discredits a lot of the OPs original reasoning.


This leads me to believe that there was some foul play afoot in Stack Overflow. Either you or a higher up was paid by a company like LinkedIn to shut down your self-running service so another company could gain a more competitive advantage in the industry. If this ends up being just a conspiracy theory from me then I don't have any other option but to believe there was some huge flaws in the software itself, or the people making the decision on this site have no overview on the Job Hunting market for programmers.

The reasoning you give simply doesn't add up to any logical conclusion, and it is probably a big reason why this is one of the most downvoted SO 'questions' in SO history.


This was the only place to find quality job listings. That came from the community. No special features or development required. It's a let down for sure.

  • 4
    Eh, I dunno about that one...
    – Makoto
    Commented Jan 21, 2022 at 16:22
  • Trying to kill my community love Makoto?
    – jinnjus
    Commented Jan 28, 2022 at 17:04
  • 1
    i mean, love teh community all you want, that's not gonna prevent people (of said community or otherwise) from disagreeing with you.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Jan 28, 2022 at 17:07
  • @jinnjus - if it dies from literally one skeptical comment, you can't say it was particularly strong to begin with...
    – Makoto
    Commented Jan 28, 2022 at 17:47
  • 1
    OK, fine I don't get it. Where's the problem? You have a job board for developers attached to the internet's goto documentation for developers and you need some extra shiny baubles also? Clarify your comment. This is stackoverflow.
    – jinnjus
    Commented Jan 29, 2022 at 12:47

SO Jobs is my go-to place to look for jobs. I love that it automatically sorts jobs according to my skills, which SO infers from the questions that I ask and answer. It is the place where I get the most accurate job offers. Also, the job search filters are the best. It is by far the best place to find jobs as a developer. Whoever convinced SO that they don't have strength in this market, was wrong.


Yet another company's good ideas get killed off after it is acquired by another company. So sad.


Really sad to see the CV feature disappear, as it was a valuable resource for me (and probably many other) when applying for jobs.

One thing worries me though. There is this section that allows you to indicate your position in percentage among all users in different tags:

user stats

Unfortunately I couldn't find any other place on the site where I could retrieve these vital statistics when looking for jobs. Is it possible to have these statistics officially displayed on another page of the site?

  • Someone should take this idea and turn it into an actionable feature request.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Feb 7, 2022 at 22:36
  • @KevinB Any idea how I can have more impact to make it possible? Commented Feb 7, 2022 at 23:40
  • 3
    The best way would be to create a feature request, by asking a new question with the feature request tag, suggesting how how the profile page can be changed to include this information… such as adding a “Top n%” for each tag in the list of tag badges you have
    – Kevin B
    Commented Feb 8, 2022 at 0:02
  • I created a project called stackoverflow-readme-profile that enable you to get your ranking for a specific tag and share a dynamic badge on your website/README. Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 10:01

I really liked the developer story. It’s too bad that will be going. It was a fresh take on a resume and could be exported right into a resume. It doesn’t seem like it would take much to keep and with minimal work, could have been technical market competitor for LinkedIn.


Like for a lot of developers, I've maintained my career history on Developer Story for some years as a primary source for my CV. I found its format to be much more relevant than tools available elsewhere which are not specific to developers. Hugely disappointed that it is being removed.


Developers, as you all know, don’t have a hard time finding job opportunities.

This statement aged like milk. Developers do have a hard time finding a job in 2023, especially juniors.


As a developer and a person who have used Stack Overflow jobs, I think it appears pretty much that people who are us and we are your customers your users totally disagree with such a decision. One of the most important things in any business is to always see what customers want and listen to their feedback.

Then why remove something the users need so, much I think Stack Overflow jobs have a really important place in our job search with no similar alternatives many jobs that exist on it do not exist on LinkedIn or many other famous websites. I think you need to rethink this.

And if this part of Stack Overflow is a big burden then why not try to open source it. We as a community of developers at least can try and maintain it since it is something important to us give us the chance to help support it.

  • 1
    You are not SE's customer, you are the product.
    – Cerbrus
    Commented Mar 29, 2022 at 8:33

I would say discontinuing Jobs is a bad decision. Stack Overflow Jobs always provided high quality and good results apart from other job platforms. I am very disappointed realizing Jobs is no more.


It’s very sad to see the Stack Overflow Jobs being terminated. It used to be one of the major and reliable source of job listings for people looking for remote jobs or jobs across nations.

I really wish the leaders see the impact Jobs made to a lot of people, #bringbackstackoverflowjobs :(


Your overindulgence in third party cookie policy was disincentivising me as it was. Now you've taken away the incentive to want to help others.

As much as it is nice to help others answer question, helping and boosting your stats was a way to show you knew your stuff to potential employees.

Bad call. Not impressed.

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