…because I voted to close a very short-looking question.
Well, sounds like to me the audits are working exactly as designed, at least in this case. (There are some bad audits, of course, and I'd love to see that fixed, ideally by a system where moderators can nominate and curate the posts that are selected as audits, both true-positives and false-positives. But this isn't a bad audit.)
Hopefully, you learned that the length of the question is nothing more than a potential indicator of its quality—something that should make you think twice—not a sufficient reason to close the question.
Hopefully, you also learned that, if you do not feel you have the subject-matter expertise to judge the quality of a question, then you should "Skip" the review task.
You seem to have been able to judge that the question was not a Discord.js question, so why would you judge it with the standards of Discord.js questions? With a question that is as short as that one, it is surely not too much to ask that you hover over the link and/or read the comments to figure out the real context. That would have been paying enough attention to pass the audit. As would have editing to fix the apparently-incorrect tags.