I was checking the "All actions" tab on the profile of a staff member with regards to another bug report when I noticed that they have no posts or approved edits but they have 31 reputation points. In an attempt to find out where this discrepancy comes from, I visited their Reputation tab and found that they have received 10 points on three separate days but there are no visible events for any of them:

enter image description here

Those also cannot be upvotes on deleted answers because they would have to have had a score of 3+ and they would still be visible in the public profile, AFAIK.

So, where does this rep come from?


2 Answers 2


They have 3 upvotes in a post in a collective you don't have access to (note they created a post in the Audio Bubble collective): https://stackoverflow.com/users/14649843/carog?tab=activity&sort=all

  • The collective article you're referring to was created last month (that's actually the bug report that I referred to above). Those rep changes are way older.
    – 41686d6564
    Commented Nov 8, 2021 at 22:25
  • The timing looks a bit suspect though, otherwise this could be plausible
    – Makoto
    Commented Nov 8, 2021 at 22:25
  • What makes it suspect? Why would it not be used in on going testing. Commented Nov 8, 2021 at 22:26
  • 3
    This is the direct link stackoverflow.com/articles/66782918/the-science-of-pickles They got 3 upvotes on this article
    – Dharman Mod
    Commented Nov 8, 2021 at 22:26
  • 7
    This is probably what happened. I crafted a network request to upvote the hidden article (the backend doesn't stop you from upvoting articles you can't see), and Carog's reputation went up by 10.
    – loops
    Commented Nov 9, 2021 at 2:15
  • 1
    @smitop sneak level: 100. Impressive.
    – Gimby
    Commented Nov 9, 2021 at 15:04
  • 1
    Related: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/413619/14649843 It seems that while the test article was leaked, somebody upvoted it (we only know that it's not an employee so could be any SO user). If I could give the rep back I would but if somebody chooses to upvote my fake test articles, I can't stop them.
    – Carrott StaffMod
    Commented Dec 9, 2021 at 21:29
  • @Carog I assume you're not talking about Smitop who openly admitted to it a couple comments above? :p Commented Dec 9, 2021 at 21:48
  • 4
    "I crafted a network request to upvote the hidden article (the backend doesn't stop you from upvoting articles you can't see), and Carog's reputation went up by 10". Y'all keeping us honest, I see :) Putting this on the (short) list to fix. Commented Dec 9, 2021 at 21:59
  • 1
    @Nick I mean... I can neither confirm nor deny such a claim, I didn't want to presume on comments alone. And that only accounts for 1 upvote (unless Simtop did it a few times) :)
    – Carrott StaffMod
    Commented Dec 9, 2021 at 22:50

The reputation for this staff member does indeed come from upvotes on articles that belong to a Collective meant for testing. We've taken action to hide these testing posts from user's profiles but some items remain off (article count and reputation). Fixing these is a larger effort than we'd like at this time.

  • 5
    So the follow up question should be how did you end up with 2 rep on SO Meta but only 1 rep on SO main. 2 rep is an awfully difficult achievement especially when it's only on Meta. Commented Dec 17, 2021 at 14:33

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