This question is a perfectly decent question which belongs on Ask Ubuntu. It could go to Super User, but it will get better answers from somebody who knows the internals of Ubuntu.
I realise that the 'other' sites are chosen based on frequency of migration and the done thing is to select 'other' when voting to close and ask a moderator to move the question. However, I can't think of a question which would be on-topic on Ask Ubuntu which would not be potentially on-topic on Super User, and I can't think of a question on Super User mentioning ubuntu which wouldn't be on-topic for Ask Ubuntu. (Of course, there are plenty of questions from users merely running Ubuntu which wouldn't.)
In the past, an open 'other' move option has been rejected for what are probably good reasons. But would it be possible to have some kind of grouping for off-topic sites? This would require SO to know that e.g. Unix & Linux, Super User, and Ask Ubuntu are all the same kind of site, and that could be difficult with the more esoteric sites, but for the questions which come up on SO I don't think it would be so hard.
As per the comment, this would effectively be a tree structure: the first node would be the category and the second nodes per branch would be the individual sites. The decision of which sites to include would be done exactly the same way, only with the category, so it would still be impossible to migrate to some completely unreleated site. Note that I don’t suggest doing this for every site, only for the targets for migration from SO, which are necessarily pretty limited.*
If this has been asked before and rejected, I'd be interested to know why: it strikes me as a workable halfway house between an open move option and the current situation.
*I'm assuming completely off-topic questions, e.g. using the first-aid
tag to ask about first aid (sic!) will just be closed with a comment.
Edit The first version of this question incorrectly read the linked question on frequency of migration as implying that this choice was automatic. But it being manual seems to make this even easier.