With the increasing number of garbage questions on the site, it's becoming more and more difficult to find good questions to answer. And with the increasing number of users who don't bother accepting answers, there's no guarantee that a valid answer will be accepted.
The end result is that badges in language-specific tags are becoming ever-more difficult to obtain, unless you're willing to stoop to answering garbage questions instead of closing them. This perverse incentive rewards only those who answer, while completely neglecting those who curate.
It's time for that to change: tag badges should be awarded to those who curate questions in these tags, too. I'm not sure what the criteria should be, but a first pass might be to modify the existing criteria for badges. For example, the bronze language tag badge requirement is:
Earn at least 100 total score for at least 20 non-community wiki answers in the <language> tag.
This would be redefined as:
Earn at least 100 total score for at least 20 non-community wiki answers in the <language> tag.
Cast a close vote on at least 100 questions that went on to be closed in the <language> tag.
This would immediately bump a huge number of curators up to gold-badge status, which would dramatically help in stemming the influx of garbage questions - because now those curators could immediately close said questions with a single vote, as opposed to voting, then having to wait and hope that two other curators will cast the same vote.
If modifying the existing badges is too difficult, a new set of language-specific badges named <language>-curation
, with the appropriate criteria, could be commissioned, with the gold variants having the same Mjolnir abilities as the current language tag badges.
It goes without saying that in either case, these badges should be awarded retroactively.